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Oakland City Attorney

Brenda Harbin-Forte Opponent Ryan Richardson Defaulted on His Home Mortgage, Had Federal Tax Liens

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The Oakland community group Coalition for Community Engagement today said that it is more important than ever that retired judge Brenda Habrin-Forte be elected Oakland City Attorney after the discovering her opponent Ryan Richardson failed to make mortgage payments on his home and had federal tax liens filed against him. […]

Oakland Measure X Ruled Illegal: Gene Hazzard Beats City of Oakland In Court

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Gene Hazzard, the Oakland Photographer and Activist, scored big with his legal challenge against The City Council’s Oakland Measure X Resolution of 2022; Gene got the court to rule that it was what he claimed: illegal. The twist is that the Court Clerk did not enter the default immediately, but […]

OBOT vs Oakland Case: City Tells Lie About Coal That Document Counters

Oakland – In the matter of the current court case pitting Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal (OBOT), as plaintiff against defendant City of Oakland (aka OBOT vs Oakland), a small number of publications (most backed by self-proclaimed “progressive” public relations organizations and public officials), most recently Courthouse News (the funding of which is not known), […]

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