
San Leandro

Bryan Azevedo Challenger Ed Hernandez Gets San Leandro Real Estate Developer Money

San Leandro,CA (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The latest news in the race between incumbent San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo and challenger and former San Leandro Councilmember and real estate broker Ed Hernandez,is the giant sums of money Hernandez has gotten from players in real estate in San Leandro. That includes the same Ed […]

San Leandro Mayor Gonzalez Dirty Tricks vs Councilmember Bryan Azevedo?

San Leandro (Special to ZennieReport.com) –As you’re aware,San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo has been the focus of alleged attempts at manufactured character-assasination by former San Leandro Councilmember Lee Thomas and the man he supports as the challenger to Azevedo,the man who held Azevedo’s seat and lost it to him in 2020,the […]

Lee Thomas Admits Filming Mother Of San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo To Harass Her

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The crazy behavior of former San Leandro Councilmembers Lee Thomas and Ed Hernandez in trying to make up stories about the incumbent San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo has taken a new level of nutso in the opinion of this blogger.  In a newish Facebook post he thinks clears his name,[…]

The Sad And Immature Attack On Bryan Azevedo San Leandro Councilmember

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Bryan Azevedo San Leandro Councilmember is being treated like the popular high school quarterback targeted online by haters who never played sports.  The only difference between teenagers who act like that and the actors in this play,is their age.   We have people in their 40s,50s,and 60s,[…]

San Leandro City Councilmembers Azevedo And Thomas Fake Fight A Setup?

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The reported physical altercation  between San Leandro city council member Bryan Azevedo and former San Leandro council member Lee Thomas during a San Leandro Democratic Club candidate forum on September 7th is reported to have been picked up by a camera in the hallway of the library venue used for […]

FBI Raid Of Oakland Mayor Thao:San Leandro Vice Mayor Bryan Azevedo On The Vietnam Trip

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Turns out Bryan Azevedo,San Leandro Vice Mayor,was one of the 52 people who flew to Vietnam on August 17th,2023. The FBI Raid on Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s Home (as part of a multi-address sting that included the Mayor’s Maiden Lane property,the home of California Waste Solutions […]

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