The Almond and Oak, Saigon Vietnamese, Chipotle, Radio, Calabash, and the Fat Lady were all hit the same morning.
Oakland (Special to – The Alley Cat Bar in Oakland at 3325 Grand Avenue was the target of a robbery that saw, on the security camera, the evil-doers break into the cash register. This is what was reported on The Alley’s Instagram Page:
Yesterday before dawn, a group of lost souls went through Oakland, burglarizing many small businesses, and we were on that list. They damaged every locked door in the building, jambs, hinges, took our new post pandemic shut down cash register, and dragged our entire ATM out the door pulling up the floor with it. Our team worked hard for the entire day, recovering from those damages, to assure these robbers wouldn’t steal an entire day from us too. The very same morning, Almond and Oak, Saigon Vietnamese, Chipotle, Radio, Calabash, and the Fat Lady were also hit from what we know. In the recent past, our friends at Pierre Pierre, A La Mar, Horn BBQ, and countless others were also targeted. We believe attacking these hardworking small businesses in this way is so intolerable and in response, we will continue to strive to be a part, with our neighbors, of a vibrant community too lively to be bashed down. To the robbers, who have to live with the fact that their materialistic gain is at the expense of other’s hard work, I hope you find the real help you need. To the police, who struggled to keep up with a barrage of robberies and destruction, we appreciate and encourage your efforts and hope whatever can be done will happen to make our community safer. And to our team and community thank you for your consistent love and support, and… let’s visit each other more!
On another note… she’s back! The ancient National cash register to chime in with our Alley songs! Enjoy!
From Stephen Murakami:
?? Well I know where I’ll be spending my money this weekend! So sad to see this but you are the Best Bar in Oakland and I will be there to support! ??
Save The Alley And Save Oakland Restaurants Now
It is time to stop this action. The Grand Avenue Business Improvement District is not working as such when this happens. The City of Oakland can use tax increment financing to raise money to establish a security force and to help pay for the rehab of these businesses.
16 More Businesses Robbed Last Week In Oakland
As of this week with this posting update on July 30th, we learned that 16 more Oakland businesses were robbed. This group located along Heggenberger Road. The suspects are still at large.
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao has done nothing to help Oakland’s key cultural businesses.
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