
The King OF England

The King of England Appoints Dr Derrick Anderson,CBE,DL,Lord-Lieutenant of West Midlands

London (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The King of England has been pleased to appoint Dr Derrick Anderson,CBE,DL,as His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for the ceremonial county of the West Midlands. Derrick Anderson Background Derrick Anderson had a career working in the public sector,including as Chief Executive of Wolverhampton Council and of the London […]

The King Of England:Ministerial Appointments

A post announcing the ministerial appointments by the King of England for 9:49am 13 November 2023 Source:UK Prime Minister’s Office,10 Downing Street London (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The King of England was pleased to approve government appointments. A Ministerial List can be found below:The King Of England:Prime Minister,First Lord of […]

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