
Prime Minister

UK Prime Minister Hon Sir Keir Starmer Full Remarks At 2024 Nato Summit Press Conference

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s remarks at the NATO Summit press conference in Washington D.C. [11 July 2024] Washington,D.C. (Special to ZennieReport.com) –What follows are UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s full remarks at the NATO Summit press conference in Washington D.C. from July 11th 2024. Good evening thank you for being here,I […]

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer Has Busy Day One

London (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Judging by the sudden flood of press releases from the Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,July 5th marked a busy first day for the new man as CEO of the realm,UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer (in this,the King of England would be Chairman). Let’s […]

UK Prime Minister Meets U.S,Canada,Europe,Mid East Leaders

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Over the last three days,from October 22nd to October 19th 2023,UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has met with leaders of the U.S,Canada,France,Germany,Italy,Palestine,Saudi Arabia,and Israel regarding the Middle East war. Here’s a presentation of statements from #10 Downing Street. Joint statement following […]

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