
Oakland A’s

Port Of Oakland Call For Howard Terminal Developer Repeats Errors

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Last week,the Port of Oakland issued an announcement that its seeking developer proposals for the still undeveloped Howard Terminal property.  The place the Oakland A’s new ballpark was supposed to be. That action proves Oakland has not learned anything from economic development errors regarding the loss of our three major […]

Is Schools Over Stadiums Las Vegas A White-Ran Effort With No Concern For Kids Or Blacks?

Oakland –(Special to ZennieReport.com) It’s time to ask some hard questions regarding “Schools Over Stadiums”,the effort formed and ran by a collaboration between Oakland A’s Fan Groups and a set of Las Vegas and Nevada residents to stop the $120 million bond issue for the Oakland A’s Las Vegas Ballpark. It’s time because […]

Stadium 51 Architect Joins HNTB &BIG:“Crazy”Oakland A’s Las Vegas Ballpark Design

In Oakland A’s Las Vegas Ballpark News Update Can Stadium 51 Architect Ben Garcia,BIG,And HNTB’s Crazy Design Rival Las Vegas Sphere,Let Alone Beat Gensler? Las Vegas (Special to ZennieReport.com) –In a matter of days,we will know what the new ballpark for the Oakland A’s in Las Vegas will really look […]

Mike Jacob Is New PMSA President After Oakland A’s Howard Terminal Ballpark EIR Battle

Oakland –(Special to Zennie62Media’s ZennieReport.com) Mike Jacob,the The Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) lawyer emerging from three years of court battles against the Oakland A’s Howard Terminal Ballpark Project and on behalf of maritime businesses at the Port of Oakland,is the new President of the PMSA. Mike Jacob has served as General […]

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