Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas Admits Filming Mother Of San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo To Harass Her

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The crazy behavior of former San Leandro Councilmembers Lee Thomas and Ed Hernandez in trying to make up stories about the incumbent San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo has taken a new level of nutso in the opinion of this blogger.   In a newish Facebook post he thinks clears his name, […]

San Leandro City Councilmembers Azevedo And Thomas Fake Fight A Setup?

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The reported physical altercation  between San Leandro city council member Bryan Azevedo and former San Leandro council member Lee Thomas during a San Leandro Democratic Club candidate forum on September 7th is reported to have been picked up by a camera in the hallway of the library venue used for […]

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