
Las Vegas

Las Vegas Tops 2023’s Most Sinful Cities In America

Las Vegas (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The holidays and Las Vegas are both known for overindulging and overspending,which is bad news when over 23% of U.S. adults report binge drinking in the past month and the average household has over $10,000 in credit card debt. But guess where Las Vegas fits in all of […]

Schools Not Stadiums Oakland A’s Las Vegas Ballpark Lawsuit Error-Filled

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –On Tuesday,November 14th,2023,the managers of Schools not Stadiums,the organization that filed the failed attempt to gather signatures to place the bond-issue for the Oakland A’s Las Vegas Stadium up to a state-wide vote,issued a press release announcing a new lawsuit. But upon review,the arguments […]

Las Vegas Sphere Lost $100 Million 1st Quarter,Can Close Gap Before Year’s End

Las Vegas (Special to ZennieReport.com) –There’s something really wrong with media folks (and indeed many people) who just don’t understand the factor of time and the dynamics of flows,be it water or,in this case,money. Take Las Vegas Sphere,the giant ball of digital media entertainment that’s got the World’s attention. The […]

Is Schools Over Stadiums Las Vegas A White-Ran Effort With No Concern For Kids Or Blacks?

Oakland –(Special to ZennieReport.com) It’s time to ask some hard questions regarding “Schools Over Stadiums”,the effort formed and ran by a collaboration between Oakland A’s Fan Groups and a set of Las Vegas and Nevada residents to stop the $120 million bond issue for the Oakland A’s Las Vegas Ballpark. It’s time because […]

Peter Luger Steak House At Caesars Palace Las Vegas

Special to ZennieReport.com –The long-awaited Peter Luger Steak House Las Vegas is now accepting reservations through OpenTable. The Caesars Palace location marks the first domestic expansion for the storied Brooklyn brand in more than 60 years. Peter Luger Steak House Las Vegas at Caesars Palace –Steak for Three,Appetizers and Vegetables (Credit Caesars […]

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