
Coliseum City Oakland

The Oakland Coliseum JPA / EIFD:How It Would Work

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –On April 15,2022 in the Zennie62Media,Inc,news site Oakland News Online,this author created the idea of the Oakland Coliseum JPA / EIFD. Or taking advantage of a provision in California law that permits Joint Powers Authorities to employ Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District law to help finance development […]

Toward Adding Sports,Entertainment,Tourism Facilities To IRS 26 U.S. Code § 142

Atlanta and Oakland –(Exclusive to ZennieReport.com) Congress should amend IRS 26 U.S. Code 142 to add “ sports,entertainment,and tourism” facilities to the list of land uses allowed under Private Activity Bond tax law. Facilities that focus on sports,entertainment,tourism,have dramatically grown in number and value,with total estimates well into […]

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