
City of Oakland

City Of Oakland Kicks Lack Of Oakland Police Tech Strategy Down The Road

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The City of Oakland City Administrator Jestin Johnson responded to this 2024 Alameda County Grand Jury Report (you can read here) that, among other issues pointed to, the Oakland Police Department did not have a long-term technology strategy plan. Such a report is not hard to produce. Indeed, a small […]

Two Oakland City Council Views Of City Of Oakland AASEG Deal: Who’s Right?

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The deal to sell the Oakland Coliseum to the African American Sports and Entertainment Group (AASEG) is done, but what’s not is the constant attempts to either sell the agreement or kill it.  Why?  Really because of the November 5th Election that could lead to the ouster of Oakland Mayor […]

City of Oakland Signs AASEG Purchase And Sale Agreement

Oakland – The City of Oakland and African American Sports & Entertainment Group (AASEG) have signed an amended Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the City’s half of the Coliseum site. The new agreement results in a total price increase of 14% to $125 million and accelerates the payment schedule for the City to receive […]

Oakland Auditor Points Grant Snafu Blame At Mayor Thao

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The Oakland Auditor Michael Auditor Houston sent a press release on the details behind that embarrassing grant snafu of last year to Zennie62Media, Inc.. What follows is the entire contents of that release. Today, The City of Oakland Office of the City Auditor released a report summarizing its audit of […]

In OBOT vs Oakland Case Judge Noel Wise, Wrong: Oakland Owes OBOT $40 Million

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – In the OBOT versus City of Oakland case, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Noël Wise (Democrat appointed by California Governor Edmond G. Brown, Jr. in 2014) issued a proposed statement of decision on Monday December 11th, 2023, laying out the alternative remedies for Oakland / East Bay real estate developer […]

OBOT Lawsuit Disappointing for City of Oakland Says Barbara Parker

Oakland awaiting Court’s final decision and proposed remedy in the case; appeal is possible Zennie62Media, Inc note: between late 2019 and First Quarter of 2022, Zennie62Media served as content developer for Insight Terminal Solutions and the late John Siegel, who was the co-developer of the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Zennie62Media CEO Zennie Abraham also […]

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