Zennie62Media, Inc.

International Trade Council Digital Commerce Business Council Portal

International Trade Council

International Trade Council Digital Commerce Business Council Members On Topics In Digital Commerce

The International Trade Council (https://tradecouncil.org/) has a set of groups called “Business Councils”, and explains that

“A business council, within the framework of the International Trade Council, is an assemblage of volunteer professionals, possessing deep industry knowledge and expertise. They collaborate to shape the Council’s research, education, networking, and outreach initiatives, thereby ensuring their relevance to the current global business climate.”

From ITC website.

To that end, the ITC Digital Commerce Business Council is charged with a focus on networking with likeminded business managers and the “development of educational resources tailored to the needs of businesses operating in international markets.”

Also, the Digital Commerce Business Council is charged with

“providing a forum for discussion, enabling the exchange of ideas, fostering innovation, and promoting best practices within their respective industries. They also help bridge the gap between industry and government, advocating for business-friendly policies and voicing industry concerns to policymakers.”

The other question is what is “digital commerce”? According to Gartner, Digital commerce is defined as:

Digital commerce enables customers to purchase goods and services through an interactive and self-service experience. It includes the people, processes and technologies to execute the offering of development content, analytics, promotion, pricing, customer acquisition and retention, and customer experience at all touchpoints throughout the customer buying journey.

While ecommerce is focused specifically on buying and selling products online, and digital commerce encompasses all aspects of the consumer journey and leverages digital technologies to provide a seamless customer experience across all touchpoints, our group sees both as digital commerce.

From Gartner.

The Digital Commerce Business Council Board Members:


  • Zennie Abraham, CEO, Zennie62Media, Inc. [LinkedIn]

Deputy Chairperson:

Board Members:

To that end, we present our regularly updated series of think-pieces and notifications on topics in digital commerce:

Also, this portal can be accessed via the ZennieReport.com menu under “ITC Business”.

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