
Oakland Coliseum JPA / EIFD

The Oakland Coliseum JPA Should Not Be Dissolved And Here’s Why

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –On Friday,September 20th,2024,the Oakland Coliseum JPA (that’s Joint Powers Authority),will take up the subject of the “dissolution” of the Coliseum JPA. That’s a fancy word for “the closing down or dismissal of an assembly,partnership,or official body” according to your local dictionary. But the idea […]

Oakland Approves Coliseum Land Sale To AASEG

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Author’s note:last night,the Oakland City Council voted to approve the sale of 50 percent of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex. In the accolades tossed out by some Oakland Councilmembers,they completely ignored or forgot who actually created the concept:Frank Dobson with Bob Leste  and Steve Lowe. Of […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA,Alameda County Surplus Land Problem Not Oakland A’s Fault

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The recent column by Scott Osler in the San Francisco Chronicle and titled “Lawsuit endangers A’s purchase of Alameda County’s half of Coliseum site” (behind a paywall) is a study in how a story can go awry because the author did not do his homework. Rather than look at the […]

How To Create An Oakland Coliseum JPA EIFD

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –This presentation before the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Joint Powers Authority is written to expand on the October 15th,2023 Oakland Coliseum JPA EIFD (Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District) Discussion. It presents a step-by-step process drawn primarily from EIFD documents for San Jose,Santa Rosa,Sacramento,as well as California EIFD legislation […]

Oakland Coliseum’s Oakland Arena Ran By ASM-Global Has It’s Best Financial Year Ever

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Oakland Arena and the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex have marked 2023 as its best financial year in the entire history of the ASM Global-managed property. The record-breaking-capacity crowds and show sellouts were achieved with amazing,memorable event,including the highest-grossing gathering ever on record at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum featuring […]

The Oakland Coliseum JPA / EIFD:How It Would Work

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –On April 15,2022 in the Zennie62Media,Inc,news site Oakland News Online,this author created the idea of the Oakland Coliseum JPA / EIFD. Or taking advantage of a provision in California law that permits Joint Powers Authorities to employ Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District law to help finance development […]

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