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Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Mayor of Oakland

Mindy Pechenuk Oakland Mayoral Candidate Calls For Oakland Fire Station Reopening

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Mindy Pechenuk, who’s running for Mayor of Oakland in the 2025 Special Oakland Mayoral Election, is calling on the Oakland City Council to immediately reopen the closed fire stations. “Futhermore,” Mindy Pechenuk adds, “I am calling on the other candidates in the Mayor of Oakland race and the contest for […]

Mindy Pechenuk For Mayor of Oakland On The Budget & Police Funding

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – This is a press release from the desk of Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Mayor of Oakland, 2025. As one of the first announced candidates for Oakland Mayor, and as the only announced candidate who actively and publicly supported the Recall of Sheng Thao and Soros D.A. Pamela Price, I, Mindy […]

Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Mayor of Oakland On Debt Fiasco

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Mindy Pechenuk, who was a candidate in the Oakland City Council At-Large Race that was won by Rowena Brown, just filed to run for Mayor of Oakland, today. This is Mindy Pechenuk’s message to Oaklanders. Many have identified the problem, but NONE have identified a real solution! It requires real […]

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