Horn Barbecue Oakland

Richard Lupio And The Real Horn Barbecue Oakland Story

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Richard Lupio, considered to be a dangerous former employee of Matt Horn’s Horn Barbecue aka Horn Hospitality Group, has controversially leveraged a feature by Food Editor Elena Kadvany in the San Francisco Chronicle to undermine his previous employer. Mr. Lupio did that while promoting his new fundraising page for a […]

SF Chronicle’s Elena Kadvany Racist Coverage Of Oakland Black Restaurant Owners

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Elena Kadvany is a food editor for the San Francisco Chronicle. But of late, her work has taken what some would consider a dark turn. The SF Bay Area Author has focused on what has to be the deliberate harm of two notable Black Chefs in Oakland, California, Immana Ewart […]

Davey D Blasts SF Chron’s Madilynne Medina For Racist Horn Barbecue Oakland Article

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Legendary Hip Hop Journalist and San Francisco State Professor Davey Cook AKA “Davey D” sent this column exclusively to Zennie62Media for publication (website at SF State). It underscores the completely racist attacks the San Francisco Chronicle and its quasi-alter-ego publication SFGate have taken against Horn Barbecue. Zennie62Media asserts that a […]

Oakland’s Horn Barbecue Gets Attacked While Mayor Thao Does Nothing

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Horn Barbecue was once recently the celebrated Michelin Star restaurant that was the pride of West Oakland and catapulted its founder Matt Horn into celebrity status nationwide. The commercials featuring him were seen from California to Connecticut. All of the time, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao never once acknowledged or visited […]

Horn Barbecue Oakland Faced Vandalism and Racist Media Coverage

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Tragedy fell to popular West Oakland eatery Horn Barbecue on Tuesday morning, November 21st, 2023. Just two days before Thanksgiving, a fire was set to Horn Barbecue, the building owned by Pitmaster Matt Horn at 2534 Mandela Parkway. But what came after that, media racism aimed at horn barbecue, was […]

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