An organization called “Windfall” and based on San Francisco with Arup Banerjee CEO and Co-Founder Dan Stevens as bosses, made a “study” called “Where Will the Next New NFL Team Find a Home?” and based on “data” that they claim shows Riverside, CA as “Number Two” behind Austin, Texas for a future NFL Team. Now how “Windfall” is as much of a joke as the resultant conclusion.
In it’s text for “Where Will the Next New NFL Team Find a Home?” Windfall reports this:
“Windfall conducted a statistical analysis of the characteristics of metro areas with existing NFL teams to identify 10 cities that could become the home of the next NFL team. For each metro area, data from the 2023 five-year estimates of the American Community Survey are included, as well as information on its top-tier professional sports teams.”
Uh. OK. So, if it’s true that “Windfall conducted a statistical analysis of the characteristics of metro areas with existing NFL teams to identify 10 cities “, how the hell did Windfall come up with Austin, Texas as the “Number One” city, let alone Riverside as “Number Two” and not even include Oakland?
I reached out to Jill Jaracz, the Cleveland-based author of the Windfall news. Let’s see if I get an answer. What’s interesting is Jill Jaracz doesn’t even promote the Windfall post on her Linkedin page!
What’s up Jill Jaracz?
Why was the SF Bay Area left out and Oakland not even mentioned when it hosted not one but three (technically four) professional sports teams?
Inquiring minds want to know. Oakland should be Number One, not Austin, Texas.