
Oakland Waterfront Hotel Is Closing Friday 124 Jobs Lost After 1.8 Mil PPP Loan 14% Occupancy Rate


ZennieReport.com – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube. ZennieReport.com is the original blog post for this content.

The Waterfront Hotel Is Closing Friday Here’s Port Of Oakland’s Statement To Zennie62Media, Inc. The Hyatt Hotel Chain will cease management of The Waterfront Hotel in Oakland this Friday, February 8th, 2025, and after 35 years in operation. It was the crown jewel hotel in Jack London Square. The loss will result in the termination of 124 jobs.

The Port of Oakland Director of Communications Robert Bernardo wrote “Basically, on January 31, The Waterfront Hotel owner Jack London Square Associates, LLC notified the Port of Oakland that it was abandoning its long-term ground lease with the Port that same day, which immediately terminated the lease. JLSA’s notice did not provide a reason for its departure.”

In 2021, the Jack London Square Associates received a PPP Loan of $1,883,530 from Republic Bank, but that alone did not stop the drop in occupancy rates. The last reported occupancy rate was just over 14 percent. That explains why the owner stopped paying rent: it wasn’t making money. By contrast, in 2016, the year of its renovation, the Waterfront Hotel had a 70 percent occupancy rate.


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Oakland Waterfront Hotel Is Closing Friday 124 Jobs Lost After 1.8 Mil PPP Loan 14% Occupancy Rate
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