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U.S. vs Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao In Bribery Scandal: Thao Faces 95 Years In Jail

U.S. vs Sheng Thao In Bribery & Corruption Scandal: Thao Faces 20 Years In Jail

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – On this day, the chickens that were born with the questionable and illegal actions of Oakland District Four Councilmember Sheng Thao came home to roost as she was Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. Thao and her boyfriend Andre Jones and David Duong and Andy Duong are facing an indictment that contains charges that add up to as much as 20 years in jail for three of the nine counts.

The table below presents the charges, defendants, and penalties:

U.S. vs. Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, et, al.CountDefendantsChargeMaximun Statutory Penalites
OneSheng Thao, Andre Jones, David Duong, Andy DuongConspiracy: 18 U.S.C. 371Five years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine.
TwoSheng Thao, Andre JonesBribery Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds 18 U.S.C. 666(a)(2)Ten years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
ThreeDavid Duong, Andy Duong,Bribery Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds 18 U.S.C. 666(a)(2)Ten years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
FourSheng Thao, Andre Jones, David Duong, Andy DuongConspiracy to Commit Honest Services Mail Fraud and Honest Service Wire Fraud 18 U.S.C. 1349Twenty Years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
FiveSheng Thao, Andre Jones, David Duong, Andy DuongHonest Services Mail Fraud 18 U.S.C.Twenty Years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
SixSheng Thao, Andre Jones, David Duong, Andy DuongHonest Services Mail Fraud 18 U.S.C.Twenty Years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
SevenSheng Thao, Andre Jones, David Duong, Andy DuongHonest Services Mail Fraud 18 U.S.C.Twenty Years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine
EightAndy DuongFalse Statements to a Government AgencyFive years in prison, three years supervised release, $250,000 fine.

Talk With Seneca Scott On Livestream

Seneca Scott and I are going to talk about this big news pointing to long-standing corruption in the office of Sheng Thao, from when she was Oakland District Four Councilmember. Here’s the screen.

Indictment Of Sheng Thao Should Not Be A Shock If You Watched Zennie62 YouTube Channel

Folks, you may be shocked about Sheng’s indictment, but if you watched my 2-year-old video interview with former Thao aide LeAna Powell, you would not be. Powell quit because Sheng allegedly violated her civil rights while running for Mayor in 2022 and so brought her story to me exclusively.

Darwin BondGraham of Oaklandside got so pissed off that he got his editors to permission to go after her because she was attacking Sheng and did not bring her story to him. So then BondGraham engaged in the evil act of writing an email to LeAna threatening to bring up a decade-old legal problem she faced if she did not talk to him (she didn’t).

Then he wrote a massively stupid piece about me (stealing my photo in the process, which allowed me to file a DMCA claim causing his article to be removed from Google search), and then bent over backwards to defend Sheng Thao.

That episode is one of many reasons the Oaklandside managers are totally out of control and discipline, violate non-profit news law routinely, and are one wrong step from sustaining a big fine or a shut-down order.

Anyway, if you witnessed that, and the interviews I have done with a number of whistle-blowers, by now you would have said “What took them so long to indict her?” LeAna Powell is still suffering from Sheng’s treatment, and is fighting cancer.


U.S. vs Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao In Bribery Scandal: Thao Faces 95 Years In Jail
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