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Mindy Pechenuk Oakland Mayoral Candidate Calls For Oakland Fire Station Reopening

Mindy Pechenuk

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Mindy Pechenuk, who’s running for Mayor of Oakland in the 2025 Special Oakland Mayoral Election, is calling on the Oakland City Council to immediately reopen the closed fire stations.

“Futhermore,” Mindy Pechenuk adds, “I am calling on the other candidates in the Mayor of Oakland race and the contest for Oakland City Council District Two to join my call for the reopening of the fire stations.

Mindy Pechenuk Calls Out Barbara Lee To Help

Mindy Pechenuk also asked Barbara Lee, the newest candidate for Mayor, to hep. “If Barbara Lee does not call out now to stop these closures, she will show by her non-action that she is not fit for the job of Mayor of Oakland.”

Barbara Lee filed for Mayor recently, and drew a rash of negative reaction to her campaign, but not to her. The basic refrain is that the Oaklanders in the negative believe a Barbara Lee Administration would be more of the same that drove Oakland to its current condition.

Mindy Pechenuk Filing For Mayor at Oakland City Hall- Monday, Dec 23, 2025.

 Mindy says “It is time for Oakland to make a major leap forward into the 21st century. The days of ‘pay to play’ are gone, she says.

Mindy continues “NO MORE BACK DOOR WHEELING AND DEALING! This is not a partisan issue, this is a time to “bring the citizens in” so we can unite the city  around a new leadership which is not part of the decades long corrupted and dysfunctional leaders. I welcome each and every Oakland Citizen to bring ideas forward and meet with me personally at City Hall to have that discussion.”

Then, Mindy sent over the following statements for this communication.

As our great President Abraham Lincoln said and did even as the US was in a Civil War:

 “I feel—though the tax on my time is heavy—that no hours of my day are better employed than those which thus bring me again within the direct contact and atmosphere of the average of our whole people.”  

Today, as we celebrate Christmas , Hanukkah and a New Year this 2024 holiday season , I want to share with you my vision for Oakland 2025 and beyond, which is to leap to the future and not pay back to the past.

The people of Oakland come first, this means wiping out the debt burden on the backs of every person in Oakland. Every religion, Christian, Jewish and Muslim calls for a jubilee against the debt.  As your Mayor, I will work to clean out the bloated debts by a financial reorganization and eliminating useless, wasteful and divisive NGOs and other such projects.

The working people, small and medium business owners need the backup of the “Office of Mayor”.  Yes, this means stopping the horrendous rate of crime. I will increase the number of police officers, and work closely with them on tools and projects they need.  As well as working with the City Council to change the ordinances which are preventing  our police from doing their duty. The oversight commissions have outlived their usefulness. We need to undo the damage done in recent years, including  the latest budget cuts that shut down the police academies and fire stations.

I will go one step further-my vision is to make the Port of Oakland once again a great PORT OF EXPORT. This requires working with other Bay cities and Northern California. Image the Port of Oakland shipping agricultural products, manufacturing and industrial goods . How many new jobs would this create for Oaklanders?

Oakland could work with other cities to produce cheap quantities of energy. including from  natural gas and nuclear plants. At the same time we could bring some of these industries into Oakland.

No more drugs, prostitution and homelessness on our streets.

I will work with President Donald J. Trump to bring in the Federal help to solve all these problems, and they are solvable.

Join my campaign for Oakland Mayor 2025! This is my 100 percent commitment. 
Have your voice, come and talk, every one of you will be heard!

For more information contact: Gerald Pechenuk, [email protected]
FPPC# 1477156

Mindy Pechenuk Oakland Mayoral Candidate Calls For Oakland Fire Station Reopening
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