
Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Mayor of Oakland On Debt Fiasco

Mindy Pechenuk

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Mindy Pechenuk,who was a candidate in the Oakland City Council At-Large Race that was won by Rowena Brown,just filed to run for Mayor of Oakland,today. This is Mindy Pechenuk’s message to Oaklanders.

Many have identified the problem,but NONE have identified a real solution!

It requires real leadership and you!

The lack of good leadership over many years,has led to this emergency collapse of the City of Oakland.  Oakland’s $115 million deficit this year,with the projection of an additional $130-150 million,as well as our overwhelming crime and homelessness stems from the current and previous  years of allowing cities like Oakland to make deals with the Wall Street speculators,such as Goldman Sachs and the policies of the Federal Reserve and the City of London LIBOR rates to govern Oakland.

The deals I,Mindy Pechenuk,am talking about go back to 1997 and we have only compounded the problem by de-industrializing Oakland and the surrounding areas,cutting our police and fire departments,as well as creating ordinances which today tie the hands of police,so they can not do their job.

Ladies and Gentlemen,the time has come to seriously consider a debt moratorium and a bankruptcy reorganization,in which the speculative gambling debt of institutions like Goldman Sachs will be written off and funds will be freed up for the growth of Oakland. I will put the needs of the people of Oakland FIRST.

No more cutting needed services. Time to stop taking on new financial debt to pay the old financial debt which allows for crime to rise,homelessness to grow and you end up in a total breakdown of the city.  We need to make Oakland safe to encourage manufacturing/industry to come back. At the same time we need to create the environment for our small and medium business and make Oakland a vibrant city. No small steps will work and doing the same old things over and over again will definitely not work.

Solution –work with me and create a new leadership.

At all costs we must not allow Oakland to be turned over to the financial dictators and courts under the guise of  a “financial crisis that only they can handle”.

Not one penny should be cut from the police and fire departments,as “they”are proposing. No more raising the taxes of our Oaklanders.

If “they”want to cut something,I would suggest all the funding of the NGOs and other such wasteful green agenda and DEI  projects which are in our budget now.

To really give our economy a jump start I,Mindy Pechenuk,propose an Oakland Investment Bank that will fund new exciting projects. I propose building new energy facilities that will make Oakland a welcome home for new scientific and 21st century advancements,as Oakland was famous for in the past. This includes developing the Port of Oakland as a major exporter of California and West Coast agricultural and other products,made in California.

Imagine a future where the children of Oakland will look to the stars with a smile on their faces,instead of looking with despair at the garbage,drugs,and  homelessness all around.

It was not Donald Trump who caused these problems. Rather it is  the insanity of Gavin Newsom,Nancy Pelosi and  the knuckleheads who do the dirty work for the banksters  who created the problem. They are  trying to blame President Donald J. Trump for the problems that they themselves created!! .

Unlike”them”,I will collaborate with President Donald J. Trump for these real solutions.  WIthout the collaboration of the Trump administration,we will not succeed at  solving these deep rooted problems.  President Trump wants to bring back American industry,manufacturing and scientific development. That is what makes America Great then and now.  That is what made Oakland great in the past and will make Oakland great again.

There Are Solutions To Oakland’s Debt Fiasco!

Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Mayor of Oakland On Debt Fiasco
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