Bill Clinton Knew Pastor Jeremiah Wright

Everyone Was Focusing On Old Barack Obama History Except Those In The Know In Chicago

Chicago (Special to – Remember the controversy that involved then Senator and Democratic Nominee for President Barack Obama, and the so-called “controversial” pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright? Well, if you were old enough to be a part of the excitement that was Barack Obama as the very possible First Black President Of The United States, you recall everything. But there’s something you probably did not know: Former President Bill Clinton also had a great friendship with Pastor Wright.

But a bunch of folks on The South Side of Chicago certainly did.

This all started in the heat of the Barack vs. Hillary campaign for the prize of Democratic Party Nominee for President Of The United States. As it happened, a blog popped up written by who-knows-who and with the photo of Clinton and Pastor Wright. This one:

To which the political news site Politico wrote then, this:

The recent coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright has often cast him as a marginal, almost fringe figure, but Trinity Church is a major Chicago institution, and Wright has long been a prominent pastor on the American scene.

And an anonymous blog set up to defend his church offers some compelling photographic evidence of this: A photograph of Wright and President Clinton, which it says was taken on Sept. 11, 1998 — the date of a White House gathering for religious leaders.

[UPDATE: The blog seems to have taken that item down; here’s the full image that was posted.]

Hillary Clinton, according to her recently released schedule for the day, was present at the gathering. Al Gore also appears in the picture.

“In the course of his two terms in office, Bill Clinton met with, corresponded with and took pictures with literally tens of thousands of people,” Clinton spokesman Jay Carson told Politico.

That’s where Clinton reportedly told the assembled clerics, at the depth of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, that he had “repented.”

As CNN reported at the time:

“I have been on quite a journey these last few weeks to get to the end of this, to the rock-bottom truth of where I am,” Clinton said in his most emotional and dramatic statement since the affair with Lewinsky became public. “I don’t think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned.”

Agreeing with his critics that he was not “contrite” enough during his initial Aug. 17 statement, Clinton said, “It is important to me that everybody who has been hurt know that the sorrow I feel is genuine. First and most important, my family, my friends, my staff, my cabinet, Monica Lewinsky and her family and the American people. I have asked all for their forgiveness.”

His comments were the first time the president has publicly apologized to Lewinsky. Clinton went on to describe the journey he has been on during the weeks since his first public admission, saying that he has finally repented.

“I have repented,” Clinton said. “I must have God’s help to be the person that I want to be. A willingness to give the very forgiveness I seek. A renunciation of the pride and the anger, which cloud judgment, lead people to excuse and compare and to blame and complain.”

Yeah, But Who Originally Produced The Photo?

The one lesson learned with the ascent of Barack Obama was just how many African Americans in his orbit either personally or professionally, suddenly become information sources more valuable than gold compared with those who were white and used to having such relationships when the candidate of choice was caucasian. Which was all the time until 2008. Yep, this time was different.

And that leads this blogger to share with you an email chain he was on featuring an email dated Tueday, 29 Apr 2008. The email read:

Yes, that is Rev. Wright, the former pastor of Barack Obama, on the left, shaking Bill Clinton’s hand .

And get this:

The email then reads (letters enlarged for emphasis):

A  ‘Washington Insider’  attends and creates a lot of events in D.C., and knows the kind of people who would come across documents such as these as a part of doing political business.


‘President Clinton and Rev. Jeremiah Wright… at White House breakfast during the ‘Monica Mess.’ I have no problem with Rev. Wright. I do have a problem with Clintonian hypocrisy.’

Not just anyonegets invited to a White House breakfast where they can shake the hand of the President. These events are carefully engineered to curry favor with people politicos think can help them.

Hillary may not have chosen Wright to be her pastor,< /A> yet her husband chose to cultivate a relationship with Rev. Wright duri ng his presidency. This fact seems to have vanished from Hillary’s memory as she delivered her recent round of sound bites, criticizing Obama for his past relationship to Wright.

Sounds very similar to her ‘I was shot at in Bosnia ‘ way of thinking

The email was from Aurelia Wilburn, H.R. Representative for Federal Express in Washington, D.C. at the time. And it wound up on the email thread of which I was a part. But I elected to not blog about the obviously provacative news. I mean, I was in no mood to give out that information, including her work location information, and disrupt the Obama For President Campaign in any possible negative way.

The lesson here is in the emergence of centers of ethnic power based on who the candidate is. For example, in the case of President Obama and Pastor Wright, my late godmother Janet Estelle-Collins became one of the power centers because of her relationship with Pastor Wright. She was a member of his church. Here’s Auntie Jan:

And prior to my vlog interview with my Auntie Jan, I managed to talk to Kamala Harris’ brother-in-law and Barack Obama’s good friend, Tony West, about Reverend Wright at the California State Democratic Convention that year, 2008:

And those centers of ethnic power are more “centers of gender power” because Vice President Kamala Harris is poised to become America’s first female POTUS.

So, who are the emerging behind the scenes power players now?

Stay tuned.

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