
Day:October 7,2024

AASEG Purchase And Sale Agreement With City of Oakland Full Digitized Text

Oakland (Exclusive to ZennieReport.com) –The new Purchase and Sale Agreement between the African American Sports and Entertainment Group (AASEG),now represented its new affiliate called Oakland Acquisition Company,LLC,is here exclusively. As reported right here at ZennieReport.com,the new agreement results in a total price increase of 14% to $125 million and accelerates […]

City of Oakland Signs AASEG Purchase And Sale Agreement

Oakland –The City of Oakland and African American Sports &Entertainment Group (AASEG) have signed an amended Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the City’s half of the Coliseum site. The new agreement results in a total price increase of 14% to $125 million and accelerates the payment schedule for the City to receive […]

Biden-Harris Administration Response to Hurricane Helene

Washington D.C. (Special to ZennieReport.com) –The Biden-Harris Administration is taking significant measures to support state and local preparation and response measures in advance of Hurricane Helene making landfall. Together with state and local partners,the Federal government is actively supporting Hurricane Helene response efforts and is coordinating requests for Federal assistance. President Biden approved […]

Bill Clinton Knew Pastor Jeremiah Wright

Everyone Was Focusing On Old Barack Obama History Except Those In The Know In Chicago Chicago (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Remember the controversy that involved then Senator and Democratic Nominee for President Barack Obama,and the so-called “controversial”pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright? Well,if you were old enough to be a part of the […]

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