Alameda County Police Unions Support Pamela Price Recall

Join Crime Victims in Saying Crime is on the Rise Because of Pamela Price Failures

Oakland (Special to – The police officers unions of Alameda County today unanimously announced their support for the recall of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price in the Nov. 5 election.

Earlier this week Congressman Eric Swalwell called for Price’s recall saying: DA Price is too lenient on criminals and “The cops catch and Price releases (criminals). Violent robberies and burglaries and home invasion robberies continue to be on the rise.”

The unanimous group of police unions includes: Alameda Police Officers Association, Albany Police Officers Association, Berkeley Police Association, Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of Alameda County, Emeryville Police Officers Association, Fremont Police Association, Hayward Police Officers Association, Livermore Police Officers Association, Newark Police Officers Association, Oakland Police Officers Association, Piedmont Police Officers Association, Pleasanton Police Officers Association, San Leandro Police Officers Association, and the Union City Police Officers Association.

 “Alameda County Police Officer Associations and the Deputy Sheriffs Association stand together in support of the recall of District Attorney Pam Price.As the chief law enforcement officer in the county, it is D.A. Price’s obligation and sworn oath to defend victims of crime, to seek justice on their behalf, and to make it clear to those who continue to victimize our citizens that they will be held accountable for their actions,” said Iain Fry, San Leandro POA president.

The police officers were joined by families of crime victims in Alameda County; recall campaign principals Carl Chan and Brenda Grisham of Save Alameda for Everyone (SAFE) which is heading the recall; and SAFE members.

The unions issued the following joint statement:

“Dear Citizens of Alameda County,

“As Law Enforcement Professionals we joined this profession to protect our communities, to keep our citizens safe and to create an environment where our citizens can walk down the street in their neighborhoods without fear. We made a promise that if our citizens were victimized, we will work diligently to identify, and arrest the people who prey on our families and communities.

“Unfortunately as peace officers who work in Alameda County, we have seen the revolving door of our justice system – justified in the name of “reform.” We see the same people, committing the same crimes getting arrested repeatedly only to be released back into our communities to victimize more of our citizens. We cannot use reform rhetoric to allow criminals to continue victimizing our citizens with little to no consequences. We as Law Enforcement Professionals have not only taken an oath, but we have a fundamental duty to protect our communities.

“We live in a world that is governed by laws. These laws protect our general safety and ensure our basic rights as citizens against abuses by others. There must be consequences for individuals who break the law and perpetuate violence in our communities. But for those of us who literally patrol the streets of Alameda County, we see first-hand how District Attorney Pamela Price is failing to keep us safe and hold criminals accountable.

“Alameda County Police Officer Associations and the Deputy Sheriffs Association stand together in support of the recall of District Attorney Pam Price. As the chief law enforcement officer in the county, it is D.A. Price’s obligation and sworn oath to defend victims of crime, to seek justice on their behalf, and to make it clear to those who continue to victimize our citizens that they will be held accountable for their actions.

“Please join us in support of recalling Pamela Price in November.

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