Oakland –(Special to ZennieReport.com) –The Port of Oakland (Port) joined the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW) initiative. FLOW is aimed at integrating the nation’s supply chain. FLOW creates a more robust system for sharing information with public and private stakeholders in the freight business. Oakland,along with other major West Coast container ports,will be able to share information in real time. FLOW will make it possible to further modernize Oakland’s maritime operations,identify points of supply chain congestion,and support coordinated solutions.
“We appreciate the USDOT for the opportunity to join the FLOW initiative,” said Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan. “FLOW will allow us to leverage valuable,goods movement information with our existing data initiatives. This will result in creating a more resilient,efficient,and sustainable supply chain up and down the West Coast.”
Participants using FLOW data can make better operational planning decisions. This contributes to a more seamless movement of freight in the nation. Efficient maritime operations minimize port congestion,reduce emissions,and cut costs that impact consumer prices.
FLOW is among the first public-private partnerships providing real-time information about the nation’s supply chain to its members. The initiative assembles data from various sources. This may include purchase order details and booking information from importers. Those details can be combined with shipping and transportation information from ocean carriers,port terminals,and railroads.
FLOW was launched as a response to disruptions in the supply chain from soaring consumer demand during the pandemic and gives stakeholders the opportunity to work together to modernize operations.
FLOW complements Oakland’s other local and state initiatives for data interoperability and information sharing. In July,the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development announced the award of $3 million to the Port of Oakland. The funding supports the deployment of a variety of state-of-the art technologies to build a Port Integrated Data Environment. This will enhance the Port of Oakland’s current data and cargo visibility initiatives,including the Oakland Portal.
Oakland Portal offers real-time information on marine terminal turn times for truck drivers,dispatchers,and port staff. The Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) includes technology that addresses traffic management,security systems and roadway improvements at the Oakland Seaport. All these systems combined lead to the greater efficiency of Port of Oakland maritime operations.
See more information about FLOW here:https://www.transportation.gov/freight-infrastructure-and-policy/flow.
About the Port of Oakland
The Port of Oakland generates vital economic activity,community benefits and environmental innovation,as the Port decarbonizes its operations for a cleaner and greener future. Along with its partners,the Port supports 98,345 jobs in the region and $174 billion in annual economic activity. The Port oversees San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport,the Oakland Seaport and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square,and a publicly owned utility. The Port of Oakland is Everyone’s Port! Connect with the Port of Oakland and San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport through Facebook and Twitter,or with the Port on LinkedIn,YouTube,and at www.portofoakland.com.