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Michael Colbruno New President Port Of Oakland Board of Commissioners

Port Of Oakland

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Authors note: I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this role of President Port Of Oakland Board of Commissioners than my friend Michael Colbruno. Michael is both the consummate professional, all-around good guy, and the true defender of Oakland we need during these times. My only request is that he move the Port of Oakland back to taking a keen interest and desire and action in developing its land.

Michael Colbruno

Michael Colbruno is a partner in the Milo Group of California, a government affairs and public advocacy firm. Throughout his extensive career in government, President Colbruno has overseen legislative activities and intergovernmental advocacy initiatives, media relations and community affairs throughout the Bay Area.

“I’m honored and humbled to be elected by my fellow commissioners to President of the Board,” said Port Board President Michael Colbruno. “I look forward to continuing our work, in partnership with our staff and community stakeholders on numerous initiatives that will help the Port of Oakland grow responsibly, promote jobs and deliver positive economic impact while meeting our zero-emissions goals.”

Mr. Colbruno has long been a champion of environmental and sustainability issues at the Port and will be instrumental in making decisions that will continue efforts to reach the Port’s zero-emissions goals.

Another area of focus for Mr. Colbruno will be to attract new logistics operators into the Port’s maritime and real estate holdings. This will help grow the Port of Oakland’s business and support the City of Oakland’s economy by activating the industrial base.

Port Board First Vice President Andreas Cluver held the post of Second Vice President from 2022 to 2024. Commissioner Cluver was the President from 2020 to 2022 and the First Vice President from 2018 to 2020. He joined the Port Board in 2016. Mr. Cluver is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Alameda County Building and Trades Association.

Second Vice President Barbara Leslie continues in a leadership role on the Port Board. She was elected to serve as Board President from 2022 to 2024, served as First Vice President from 2020 to 2022, and held the position of Second Vice President from 2019 to 2020. She joined the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners in December 2018. Ms. Leslie is the President and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce.

The three officers will serve in their roles for the next 12 months. The Board consists of seven members nominated by the mayor and appointed by the City Council for four-year terms. Members must live in Oakland during their term. Port Commissioners donate their time to the Board as they serve without salary or compensation. Here is the link to the full Board: click here.

About The Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland generates vital economic activity, community benefits and environmental innovation, as the Port decarbonizes its operations for a cleaner and greener future. Along with its partners, the Port supports 98,345 jobs in the region and $174 billion in annual economic activity. The Port oversees San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport, the Oakland Seaport and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square, and a publicly owned utility. The Port of Oakland is Everyone’s Port! Connect with the Port of Oakland and San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airportthrough Facebook and Twitter, or with the Port on LinkedIn, YouTube, and at www.portofoakland.com.

Michael Colbruno New President Port Of Oakland Board of Commissioners
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