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FBI Raid Of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao: What Does The DOJ Subpoena Mean?

FBI Raid Of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao: What Does The DOJ Subpoena Mean?

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – The FBI Department of Justice Subpoena sent to Oakland City Attorney Barbara Parker was leaked to mainstream media. However, none of the organizations that got the document bothered to actually digitize it, electing to leave it in what is called “PDF”, or “Portable Document Format” form.

U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney Northern District of California


1301 Clay Street, Suite 340SOakland, California 94612(510) 637-3680FAX: (510) 637-3724

June 25, 2024

City of Oakland

c/o City Attorney Barbara Parker 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 6th Floor Oakland, CA 94612

Re: Federal Grand Jury Subpoena

Dear City Attorney Parker:

The attached Federal Grand Jury subpoena is issued in furtherance of a federal criminal investigation being conducted under the supervision of this Office.

This is to certify that there is sufficient reason to believe that notification of this subpoena and your compliance therewith, or disclosure of the information provided thereunder, could seriously impede and thwart this important investigation. Therefore, you are requested to withhold disclosure and notification for an indefinite period of time.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this Grand Jury subpoena, please contact FBI Special Agent Duncan Haunold, Phone: (510)




United States Attorney

 /s/ Abraham Fine


Assistant United States Attorney

DOJ Subpeona Instructions


City of Oakland

c/o City Attorney Barbara Parker

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 6th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

[email protected]


A. In complying with this subpoena, you are required to produce all responsive documents that are in your possession, custody, or control, whether held by you or your past or present agent, employee or representative acting on your behalf. You are also required to produce documents that you have a legal right to obtain, that you have a right to copy, or to which you have access, as well as documents that you have placed in the temporary possession, custody or control of any third party.

B. No documents called for by this request shall be destroyed, modified, removed, transferred, or otherwise made inaccessible to the grand jury. If you have knowledge that any subpoenaed document has been destroyed, discarded or lost, identify the subpoenaed document and provide an explanation of the destruction, discarding, loss, or disposal, and the date at which the document was destroyed, discarded, or lost.

C. This subpoena is continuing in nature. Any document not produced because it has not been located or discovered by the return date shall be provided immediately upon location or discovery subsequent thereto with an explanation of why it was not located or discovered until the return date.

D. If you believe any responsive documents are protected by a privilege, please provide a privilege log that (1) identifies any and all responsive documents to which the privilege is asserted; (2) sets forth the date, type, addressee(s), author(s), general subject matter, and indicated or known circulation of the document; and (3) states the privilege asserted in sufficient detail to ascertain the validity of the claim of privilege.

E. Production with respect to each document shall include all electronic versions and data files from email applications, as well as from word processing, spreadsheet, database, or other electronic data repositories applicable to any attachments, and shall be provided to the grand jury where possible in its native file format and shall include all original metadata for each electronic documents or data file.

F. For the purposes of this subpoena, the term “documents” means each and every writing, of whatever nature, whether an original, a draft, or a copy, however produced, reproduced, or stored, whether manually, mechanically, electronically, electromagnetically, or otherwise, and each and every tangible thing from which information can be processed or transcribed. Non-identical copies are deemed to be separate documents. 

The term “documents” should be read expansively and to include all stored forms and mediums of communication including, but not limited to: e-mails, text messages, internal and external company “chat” messages, recorded telephone or cellular phone calls, recorded meetings such as but not limited to those held on platforms similar to Google Meet, Google Hangouts, Skype, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Zoom, Slack, Telegram, Discord, and Keybase; external messaging or chats, memoranda, electronic calendar entries, meeting minutes, notes, summaries, telephone records, telephone messages and message logs, books, schedules, reports, studies, appraisals, analyses, lists, interview reports, interoffice communications, results of investigations, working papers, computer data, text messages, letters, facsimiles, contracts, agreements, side-agreements, obligations, promissory notes, receipts, appointment books, personal files, work sheets, pamphlets, proposals, photographs, ledgers, statements, invoices, billing information, notebooks, verifications of assets, balance sheets, financial statements and other compilations of financial data, bank statements and associated bank records, checks, records of wire transfers or cash payments, charts, graphs, research materials, and other documents similar to the foregoing. All documents should be produced in native format with all available metadata. The term “documents” also includes any handwritten or other notes.

G. “The City of Oakland” or “the City” is used hereinafter to refer to, and includes any Department or Body within the City of Oakland, including but not limited to the Office of the Mayor, the Oakland City Council, the Oakland City Administrator, the Oakland City Clerk, the Department of Economic & Workforce Development, the Department of Finance, the Department of Housing & Community Development, the Planning & Building Department, the Oakland Police Department, the Department of Public Works, and any Boards or Commissions.

Unless otherwise noted, for the period of January 1, 2022, to the present, please provide:

1. Documents and communications related to California Waste Solutions, Inc., or any of its employees or representatives (including, but not limited to David Duong, Andy Duong, Kristina Duong, Victor Duong, or Michael Duong).

2. Documents and communications related to Evolutionary Homes, LLC, or any of its employees or representatives (including but not limited to David Duong, Andy Duong, Mario Juarez, Julie Wedge, Chris Wedge, or Cesley Frost).

3. Documents and communications related to Andre Jones.

4. Documents and communications related to the use or development of the Former Oakland Army Base.

5. Documents and communications related to any actual, contemplated, proposed, or negotiated declaration of a local emergency on homelessness. This request includes, but is not limited to, documents and communications related to any proposal for a Declaration of a Local Emergency on Homelessness that was considered by the Oakland City Council between January 2023 and December 2023.

6. Documents and communications related to any actual, contemplated, proposed, or negotiated contracts between the City of Oakland and any waste management company.

7. Documents and communications related to appointments to any City of Oakland official post, including but not limited to appointments related to the Board of Commissioners for the Port of Oakland, Public Works, Planning & Building Department, the Department of Housing & Community Development, and the City Administrator’s Office.

8. Documents and communications relating to the 2022 City of Oakland mayoral election, including but not limited to documents and communications related to political mailers, advertisements, independent expenditures, or campaign contributions.

9. All calendar entries or records of the existence of planned or scheduled meetings for Sheng Thao or Andre Jones from June 1, 2022 to present.

10. Documents and communications relating the City’s practices, policies, plans, or procedures concerning the retention, destruction, secrecy or confidentiality of documents, including any of the following instructions or suggestions.

What The Department Of Justice Is Looking For Based On The Information Requested

From the paragraphs presented it’s clear that the Department of Justice is looking for ties between any campaign related donations that may have been provided by California Waste Solutions and The Family of David Duong, the actions of now Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, who was then Oakland District Four Councilmember and Oakland Mayoral Candidate starting in the January 1, 2022 time mark, and her partner Andre Jones. From the looks of the information request time period, it would cover a large number of news episodes Zennie62Media websites and Zennie62 YouTube Channel have covered, at times exclusively. Let’s break the major ones down.

  1. Oakland Councilmember Chang Thao Accused of Violating Campaign Law In Treatment Of LeAna Powell. If you recall, former Thao City Council Aide LeAna Powell was terminated by Thao Chief of Staff Renia Webb because Powell did not want to be forced to work for Thao’s Mayoral Campaign and at her City Council Office, even though Webb and Brandon Harami were forcing her to reconsider her decision. She said no, so they let her go, and that’s illegal. She brought her story to the Oakland Public Ethics Commission and to Zennie62Media. That long and explosive video is below:

2. Oakland And Bay Area Lawyer Marleen Sachs Accuses Mayor Thao And City of Oakland Of Illegally Changing Thao’s Time Stamp For Her Mayoral Election Filing Documents

This story is based on the claims of a number of Oakland Mayoral Election Campaigners, most notably Seneca Scott and Derrick Soo, that the Oakland City Clerk’s Office allowed Councilmember Thao to file her election documents, even though she and her partner Andre Jones, were late arriving to the office before the 5 PM PST deadline on Friday, August 12th.

The upset Oakland Mayoral Election Campaigners, which included Allysa Victory and Peter Liu, threatened legal action because their names were not added to the November 2022 Ballot because they were told via a City of Oakland document that the final day of filing was actually August 17th, and because the incumbent Mayor Libby Schaaf was not running for re-election. Of them, Allysa Victory did file a lawsuit, and so the Oakland City Attorney, Barbara Parker, agreed to add her name to the November 2022 Ballot. Here are a number of videos related to that Zennie62Media news episode:

Sheng Thao Oakland Mayoral Candidate Fishy Funding in 2022 Oakland Mayoral Race – Livestream

Zennie62Media believes this video is key. It’s based on a contact, Charlie Pine, who pointed out, in detail, the wild locations of a number of Sheng Thao for Mayor donors, as well as their surnames:

Marleen Sacks Blows Whistle On Oakland City Clerk Krystal Sams With Elections 2022 Complaint

This video contains an interview with the Oakland Lawyer who filed the complaint regarding the time stamp.

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Wins Oakland Mayoral Election By 677 Votes For Loren Taylor, But Questions Remain

The outcome of the vote, based on Rank Choice Voting, was questioned by many. Alameda County Registrar of Voters Tim DuPuis gave a very-long “Ted Talk”-style interview to Zennie62 YouTube, but that led to even more questions. Watch.

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Breaks Ballpark Talks With Oakland A’s

If you remember, the Oakland A’s leaders Owner John Fisher and President Dave Kaval decided to announce to Las Vegas media that they were moving to relocate from Oakland, and in the middle of talks with the A’s. In return, Mayor Thao said that talks were broken off. But what really happened and was “pay to play” involved? That possibility was something this blogger privately investigated, but the results were zero to date.

This Post Will Be Updated

FBI Raid Of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao: What Does The DOJ Subpoena Mean?
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