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Cecil Williams Pastor Of Glide Memorial Passes – Remembering The 2018 Celebration in SF

Cecil Williams Pastor Of Glide Memorial Passes – Remembering The 2018 Celebration in SF

Atlanta (Special to ZennieReport.com) – I just saw the sad news that one of my heroes, the great Reverend Cecil Williams, passed away. He’s joined his wife Janice Mirikitani in Heaven, and I’m sure both will be watching Glide like angels, daily. Thanks to the late Charlotte Williams, who was a good friend of my Mom, Patricia Yerger, (as they were both employees at United Airlines) I became a member of Glide back in 1981. The reason was that I wanted to find a church that was truly representative of America, in other words, all mixed up, and not black or white. That was and is Glide. if you say you’re a Christian, Glide, like the Lord, will test you. Because if you think every Church member should look like you or have the same sexual orientation as you, or be as clean as you are, you’re in for a World of spiritual hurt and growth at Glide. That was all due to Pastor Cecil Williams.

Cecil Williams was celebrated at this event I was honored to attend and cover back in 2018. It was the last time I saw Rev. Williams.

Cecil Williams, the revolutionary pastor of Glide Memorial Church, was the focus of an incredible event Friday night: the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce Juneteenth 2018 Business Forum & Awards Dinner.

The community contributions of Reverend Williams and his wife Janice Mirikitani, were talked about at the San Francisco Marriot, and by none other than two politcal heavyweights, one legendary, the other new: San Francisco Mayor-Elect London Breed and former San Francisco Mayor and California Speaker Willie Brown.

Glide Memorial Church (which was and is the spiritual home of this blogger) is one of the pioneers of what is called “liberation theology”, defined as “a movement in Christian theology, developed mainly by Latin American Roman Catholics, that emphasizes liberation from social, political, and economic oppression as an anticipation of ultimate salvation.” If you think about it, and know Glide as I and others do, then you understand why it has worked to help the San Francisco community as it has.

Now, the United Methodist Church has challenged the very way Glide is ran. Glide’s clergy is being what is called “reassigned.” At the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Mayor Breed sounded the call to save Glide: “As long as they are under threat, we stand by your side!”

San Francisco’s voice in Sacramento, Assemblymember David Chiu stopped by to add his voice and his support for Mayor-Elect Breed:

But to be sure, the Juneteenth 2018 Business Forum & Awards Dinner with its emcees Janice Edwards and Dr. Brenda Wade, was also about the many award winners, in various categories. Here’s the honorees:

Wayne H. Perry, Cornerstone Concilium, Inc. – Trailblazer Award
David King, Airbnb – Corporate Diversity Leader of the Year Award
Rena Davis, Lyft – Diversity and Inclusion Manager of the Year Award
Scott Vowels, Apple – Supplier Diversity Manager of the Year Award
April Spears, Auntie April’s – Outstanding Small Business of the Year Award
Helen Kassa – Christian A. Ewing Next Gen Award

Willie Brown Makes News At Event

During the event, I had the chance to catch up with San Francisco’s human landmark Willie Brown. He told me that the reason President Trump changed his immoral policy toward immigrant families and children, was fear of impeachment. Here’s the video of our talk:

And as you could see, we were video-bombed by Alameda County Board of Supervisors member Nate Miley of District Five. He said the Oakland Coliseum Joint Powers Authority was still not set on doing the Oakland Raiders lease extension at the stadium. Here’s that video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/bQ9ZBLoNUFk

I also talked to number of members of the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce, from Doug Parrish (whos’ Vice President), to Cynthia Jones and SF Police Chief Bill Scott. All of the interviews are in this Zennie62 on YouTube Playlist:

SF Police Chief Bill Scott At 2018 SF African American Chamber Dinner

Stay tuned.

Cecil Williams Pastor Of Glide Memorial Passes – Remembering The 2018 Celebration in SF
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