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Oakland Mayor Thao Blasts Police Commission For Forcing Her To Hire Black Police Chief

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Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) – Oakland Mayor Thao finally lost it on this April 1st, 2024. After trying to execute a fake news hit job on Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong, then rejecting the first three set of candidates, Thao took the next set, reportedly considered sacking them too, but was finally convinced to select Floyd Mitchell out of Lubbock, Texas.

Clearly, the political pressure to select a black man got to Mayor Thao, because, upon realizing her dream of picking an Asian top cop had been dashed, she turned on the Oakland Police Commission.

Mayor Thao Wants To Get The Oakland Police Commission Out Of Her Way

The news was this: “Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao plans to pursue a change to the city’s charter that would bar the police commission from participating in the next search for a police chief.” And Thao herself said “We were mandated to follow this process under the city charter,” she said of the job search that led to Mitchell’s hiring. “I didn’t think it was the most effective way to get the new police chief.”

But the question is why would Sheng go and blast the Police Commission after the process was done, and after Floyd Mitchell was selected to replace LeRonne Armstrong as Oakland Police Chief. My sources tell me Thao suddenly became pissed off beyond belief that, after all of her underhanded manuevering, Thao was unable to score an Asian top cop for Oakland.

As it was explained to this blogger by a source: “Sheng wants to bring an Asian Police Chief in to gain favor with the Oakland Asian Community, who can’t stand her. With all of the business robberies and her basic lethargy in addressing the problem of violence against the elderly Asian Oaklanders – and avoiding to admit that Oakland is in a state of emergency – the Asian Community is ready to toss her out of office” referring to the active recall petition signature gathering process.

Sheng Thao Sends Wrong Message To New Oakland Police Chief

The problem with all of this is Sheng’s whole going off sent the clear message that she did not value the new Oakland Police Chief she supposedly selected. And that’s because he wasn’t the kind of person she wanted. Otherwise, why say what she said? Because she said it and it was reported by the Mercury News and then by KTVU, but with the added twist that Sheng would seek a change in the Oakland City Charter, all to get the Oakland Police Commission out of her way.

Why does Sheng Thao constantly send the message that the only black folks she likes are the ones that kow-tow (definition: act in an excessively subservient manner) to her? This blogger thinks it’s a habit she’s not aware of, but Sheng has a bad habit of not mending fences with those African Americans who oppose her. There’s a constant “us vs. them” point of view that doesn’t do the City of Oakand any good, let alone herself.

Why Does Mayor Thao Try And Divide Oakland’s Black Community?

Did Sheng reach out to her Oakland Mayoral Challenger Loren Taylor and make a friend of him, even though they were colleagues as Oakland City Councilmembers? No. Did Sheng assemble her own small coalition of black Oaklanders who had no problem going on white-owned media and bashing other black Oaklanders? Yes. Does Mayor Thao seem to deliberately pick fights with the mostly-black-managed Oakland Police Commission? Yes. The examples go on and on. Warning to new Oakland Police Chief Floyd Mitchell: watch your back.

The storm clouds are forming into a backstab pointed right at Police Chief Mitchell, and for the saddest of reasons: race. And while this post is an April Fool, really, 85 percent of it is not. (And if you like, or even dislike, this post, tip Zennie62Media here! At least we keep you informed in a unique way.)

Oakland Mayor Thao Blasts Police Commission For Forcing Her To Hire Black Police Chief
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