Erica Kinsman,Jameis Winston’s Accuser,Married Jamal Roberts,The Boyfriend She Lied About In 2013
Oakland (Special to –This post was originally written at Oakland News Now Blog to present evidence that Erica Kinsman and Jamal Roberts worked to lie about Jameis Winston’s actions after she met him at Tallahassee Florida’s Potbelly’s Bar late at 11:30 PM December 7th,2012.
Since then,even more new information has been shared with Zennie62Media,Inc. This update reflects what was shared with this author,and straight from the phone of one Jamal Roberts,himself.
New Information Counter’s Erica Kinsman’s Claims
The new information counters Kinsman’s claim that she was sexually assaulted,which calls into question a number of events that occurred subsequent to her actions,most notably Florida State’s payment of $950,000 to Erica Kinsman as a settlement in the lawsuit her lawyers filed against FSU.
This is important because a successful challenge to the lawsuit outcome would mean punitive damages can be awarded,along with payment for missed or lost business opportunities,lost earning power,and emotional damage.
This author has worked on this story since her claims against Winston were first reported. Why? Because the media did not do any investigative reporting,and was content to allow lies told about Winston to surface without challenge.
The outcome follows the classic stream of stereotypes applied to black men,mainly because there’s not been a media group or groups to challenge them. Back then,the counter-evidence I gathered to that point in time was largely circumstantial,and not as iron clad as a statement from either Erica or Jamal pointing to a cover-up.
Then,last year,May 9th 2023,this happened,and was the first of a series of occurrences which point to this author’s assertion of a clear cover-up for money on the part of Erica Kinsman and Jamal Roberts.
YouTube Believes Jamal Roberts’False Information,Takes Down Kinsman Video,Then Restores Video After Counter-Claim Filed
Then,something shocking happened:YouTube took down the original video I made presenting the evidence that Erica Kinsman’s case was based on fraud. I challenged the copyright claim and won as YouTube agreed that my presentation fell into the Fair Use Legal Right rule. But when I won,I got a text from someone from a number in Florida. The person who wrote the text turned out to be a man who claimed he was Jamal Roberts!
Jamal Roberts Texts To Zennie Abraham

As text messages included here reveal,Jamal Roberts contacted this author and after his unsuccessful attempts to have the Zennie62 YouTube Channel video at the top of this post,removed. In the texts,Roberts admitted he was “tired of the publicity”and wanted any mention of their wedding removed. Indeed,they took down the original website about the wedding,but failed to consider that cached versions of its internet existence would be discovered.
But why did Jamal Roberts do all of this?
For that answer,we have to consider the history of the events after Jameis and Erica met at Pot Belly’s.
No Evidence Of Crime Against Erica Kinsman Who Changed Her Story Eight Times,Said She Did Not Have A Boyfriend
Even though information and toxicology data was gathered and Winston was interviewed twice,no evidence of a crime against Erica Kinsman was found,but even more suspicious was the large number of times Erica Kinsman changed her story. One statement Kinsman made was that she did not have a boyfriend.
Later,it was found that Erica Kinsman had sex with two African American men within eight hours of each other on that December 12th 2012 day. The other man (who sources and toxicology reports say she visited after Jameis Winston drove Kinsman over to an intersection near the dorm she lived) was identified as Jamal Roberts.
Jamal Roberts was a young man Kinsman knew and was dating in high school and while she was at Florida State (she and Winston were sophomores at the time). But Erica Kinsman’s legal team (including Patricia Carroll,Erica’s aunt who said her niece would “never date a black boy”) would not allow anyone to talk to Jamal Roberts. Roberts did say he was in a relationship with Kinsman,but beyond that provided no other information.
Why the cover-up?
Erica Kinsman went on to make a public relations spectacle of a matter that was legally closed,even to the point of participating in a documentary called The Hunting Ground that was up for an Academy Award at the 2015 Oscars,and continued to push the rape lie.
She did that,even though three separate investigations,including a Florida State Code of Conduct hearing,found that former Florida State quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston did not commit rape against Erica Kinsman. Still,Kinsman and her legal team pressed on with the narrative that Winston did the opposite,even bringing conservative blogs into the game of smearing Jameis.
All of that stopped when Kinsman won a settlement in a lawsuit with Florida State that was over $900,000. Moreover,in a separate case of dualing lawsuits,where Winston filed against Kinsman and vice-versa,both were thrown out of court (I blogged that Winston should fight it in court).
I believed those settlements were based on fraudulent claims by Kinsman –including the actions and the attempt to hide the existence of Jamal Roberts as her boyfriend she had sex with later that day,December 6,2012. Now,Jamal Robert’s requests (and failed YouTube filing) to have evidence of their wedding removed from public view,has to be related to a concern on their part that what looks like their obvious scheme to get money from Winston would be discovered.
Jamal Roberts Trying To Silence Media News On Kinsman
The video take down attempt was wrong in that it chills news journalism and the public’s right to know about a fraudulent attempt to get money from a sports star:Jameis Winston. Jamal Roberts is trying to get off scot-free:he avoided legal testimony in the Kinsman matter,and now wants to cover up that he married Erica in New York City,last year,and they bought a house in Florida before getting married.
And from the timeline,they did it with what appears to be Florida State settlement money,in my opinion. What YouTube and observers must know is that this has been news,and still is. Moreover,many never believed Erica’s story,even while Jameis was tarnished with it. Now,we have this cover-up effort,which is news in itself.
Moreover,the text Mr. Roberts sent to me revealed himself as 1) the man who was the boyfriend of Erica Kinsman that she tried to cover up,and 2) that Roberts wanted any photos or videos of their wedding taken down,because he directly referred to their wedding in the text to me. Here’s the text,below. And the reason I am presenting them now,after promising no publicity,is because not to do so would be covering up evidence that fraud was done to Mr. Winston.

Jamal Roberts did not want the wedding website to be seen,and it’s clear that the last thing he and Erica ever considered was that it could and would be found in an Internet search. They were obviously working to hide their relationship,and this blogger can only conclude they knew they ran a fraudulent scheme to get either Jameis Winston or the State of Florida to pay them a lot of money.
Now We Can Say Officially That Jameis Winston Was The Victim Of A Setup
Erica Kinsman,the woman who accused now New Orleans Saints QB Jameis Winston of rape in 2012 while both were freshman at Florida State,married Jamal Roberts,the boyfriend who’s existence she lied about while crafting the fake story about Winston in an effort to extort $7 million. Erica Kinsman and Jamal Roberts were married June 4th,2022 in New York City,and according to a website this vlogger happened to find in a Google search for Erica Kinsman and Jamal Roberts.
I happened to wonder what happened to Erica Kinsman and that thought led to a new post at Oakland News Now Blog that proved Kinsman’s claim was a lie,but it did not contain this shocking news. After I finished the post,I then searched “Erica Kinsman and Jamal Roberts” and found the website,here:
It can not be stated enough:Patricia Carroll,the lawyer for Erica Kinsman at the time,claimed in a letter to Jameis Winston’s lawyer that her client “would never sleep with a black boy”. In the initial telling of her story,Kinsman,(a registered Republican since 2011) left out that she had just has sex with Jamal Roberts less than 24 hours after getting drunk and hooking up with Jameis Winston and within full view of FSU teammates Ron Darby and Chris Casher,before Kinsman demanded that the pair leave the room at their apartment.
Kinsman,who had five cocktails and a shot at the bar Potbellys and at her friend,fake-ID-maker Marcus Jordan’s place before heading over to the Jacksonville hang out for FSU students,didn’t remember events the next day,and eventually made the assumption that she was raped,when that’s not what happened.
What happened was that Kinsman went with Ron Darby and Chris Casher and Winston,after texting her friend Monica and asking if she should go with them. Monica texted back “yes” according to court records,and so Kinsman went.
There,Ron Darby would later report that …
“It appeared that the female was pursuing Jameis. In an effort to continue to hang out with Jameis she was trying to get her friend to go home with Chris Usher. As Jameis and this girl talked,she did not want him to leave. Jameis Winston,Chris Casher and I decided to leave Potbelly’s and the same blonde female followed us out of the club. This female did not appear intoxicated. She was able to walk out of the club,have conversation with all of us and use her cell phone to text her friend to join us. She even got in the cab with us” At the apartment,both Darby and Usher explained they could see Erica doing the nasty to Jameis. Darby said “Chris continued to watch Jameis and the girl through the aacked door. He was playing jokes on Jameis and trying to embarrass Jameis. Chris walked in Jameis’room and the girl told Chris to get out. She then got up,turned off the light and shut the bedroom door. Chris and I could hear her and Jameis having sex. At no time did the girl ever indicate that she was not a willing participant In fact,she wanted more privacy by closing the door and turning off the lights.”
Source:Court records
The initial court case was dropped for lack of evidence. Moreover,Jamal Roberts refused to be deposed and gave up no information after the toxicology report revealed Kinsman has sex with him hours before meeting Jameis Winston. With no information to go by,Jameis’lawyers could not effectively file a lawsuit against Kinsman. Now,it’s revealed that Kinsman was dating Jamal Roberts all of the time,and lied about it.
Why is it important to prove that? Because it effectively shows that Erica Kinsman wanted to cover up that she was so randy she would have sex with two Black men within an eight hour span. Moreover,it would match the testimony by the Florida State players that Erica only wanted Jameis and threw them out of the room so she could get busy.
And it would also prove that since Roberts and Winston were football players,Erica Kinsman was an aggressive cleat-chaser,who got drunk to wash away her guilt over her behavior. That’s why the truth about Jamal Roberts’relationship with Erica Kinsman had to see the light of day:because it exonerates Jameis Winston.
That Should Stop The Fake News And False Accusations About Jameis Winston
Now,they’re a married couple who got hitched in New York City and then went back to Florida to live. That should put a solid end to the wave of false and racist accusations tossed against Winston. Kinsman,who’s white,female,and blonde,clearly liked and likes black men,and in retrospect,given Ms. Carroll’s “black boy” comment (Carroll is pictured below),was fearful her conservative family would not support her if it was revealed she was sleeping around with black men in college.

But for Kinsman to take the false claim as far as national television and the so-called documentary The Hunting Ground (where its producers admitted they were not interested in journalistic advocacy and just putting out fake news about Winston) just plain spells fraud – especially in light of the revelation about she and Jamal Roberts.
In 2015,Patrik Nohe wrote an extensive post laying out the truth versus the many versions of Kinsman’s story. This paragraph sums it up:
There are places with hazy recollections,there are elements of the story that have changed dramatically in the past 24 months,there are questions about her motives and most of all,if you actually review the evidence and transcripts,there are questions about whether she’s even an honest person to begin with.
And with all of that,the next year,2016,Kinsman walked away with a chunk of change from Florida State University. Note that all of the news accounts pushing her story and the mention of The Hunting Ground were before 2016;once she was paid,all of the spreading of the lies about her encounter with Winston stopped. And in retrospect,with all of the changing stories,there was one now-known constant:Jamal Roberts and his relationship with Erica Kinsman. Erica got three things:Winston,money,and marriage with Roberts.
Oh,and let’s not forget a fourth thing:the cocktails.
It’s commonly noted that the kind of binge drinking (which is defined by the CDC as four or more drinks for women) Erica Kinsman engaged in prior to meeting Jameis Winston can lead to memory loss. The “Sierra By The Sea”clinic reports the following:
Blackouts – Most people who have indulged in binge drinking have had the unfortunate experience of waking up the next morning with no memory of what happened the night before. This alcohol-induced amnesia is known as a blackout. Unlike a brownout,the memories from a blackout will never be restored because excessive alcohol has inhibited the brain’s memory-making process. Repeated alcohol blackouts can cause brain and nerve damage and lead to ongoing memory problems.
Additionally,it’s noted in many research documents that college-age women commonly drink to reduce the anxiety associated with sexual encounters.
Marcus Tillman Jordan Arrested For ID Forgery In 2013,Made For Erica Kinsman In Jameis Winston Case
The man said to have made a fake ID for Erica Kinsman is Marcus Tilman Jordan,pictured here when he was apprehended August 29th 2013 by the Florida State University Police Department in Tallahasee Florida. Total Bond was $1,000. He was 19 years old at the time.
Various court documents report that Jordan was a good friend of Erica Kinsman as both were students at Florida State University. Marcus was identified as the man who got drinks for the then underage Erica Kinsman.
From court documents:Marcus stated he has known XX since the fall of 2012. (XX is Erica Kinsman). They met through mutual friends. The two hung out more often during the fall and spring
semesters of 2012/2013. When they would hang out they would normally go to Pot Belly’s. Marcus recalled the evening of the incident being known as “the Purgatory.”Marcus recalled meeting Monique and XX at Pot Belly’s. He believed he arrived there before them. Marcus stated he only provided XX with a few drinks. He recalled approximately 2 shots of tequila and a few additional mixed drinks. He said she did not drink a lot and is not a “huge drink girl.”
Marcus did not know what time XX left the bar.
Erica Kinsman Got $250,000 From FSU,But Her Racist Lawyers Got $700,000
It should be noted that,in the case of Kinsman’s lawsuit against Florida State University,Erica Kinsman managed to walk away from this obvious lie with $950,000 where a reported $250,000 went to Erica,but her lawyers (including Patricia Carroll who said Kinsman would never sleep with a “black boy”) got $700,000. In other words,the lawyers for Kinsman engineered all of this,including keeping Jamal Roberts quiet for several years,for almost $1 million. From the start,Erica Kinsman targeted,then used both sexually and financially,Jameis Winston.
Update:Jamal Roberts And Erica Kinsman Married In New York But Live In Brandon,FL
Another look at online records revealed that a three-bedroom townhome was sold to Jamal Roberts in 2017 in Brandon,Fl. and that Erica Kinsman also lives there but she did not list that as her place of residence until after June of this year,2022.(Update:Kinsman still lives at this address in Brandon,Fl,but Jamal Roberts appears to have moved to Zephyrhills,FL. But here’s a twist,that address Mr. Roberts is now living at is listed as the one that Erica Kinsman once lived in. So,something is clearly going on between the two.
But Jamal Roberts bought the Brandon,Fl townhouse a year after the Florida State University settlement with Erica Kinsman,which was January 27th 2016 and for $950,000.
Whatever the case regarding housing details,there’s clear evidence that points to a fraud done to both Florida State and Jameis Winston in the opinion of this blogger. The question is,is Florida State or Winston of a mind to go after that money or just leave the matter alone?
Stay tuned.