
SF Supervisor Matt Dorsey Challenges Sup. Ahsha Safaíto To Debate

SF Supervisor Matt Dorsey

Supervisor Matt Dorsey challenges Supervisor Ahsha Safaí to debate Proposition B ‘Cop Tax’ scheme. “No on B” campaign says:Measure “B” is deceptive attempt to fool voters— when it’s just a bait-and-switch for a future tax hike.

San Francisco (Special to ZennieReport.com) –San Francisco Supervisor Matt Dorsey challenged Supervisor Ahsha Safaí to debate Proposition “B,” a measure proposed by Safaí that requires “a future tax measure” for “sufficient additional revenue” —before San Franciscans can hope to establish even minimum police staffing levels.

“I urge a ‘No’ Vote on Prop. B,Supervisor Safaí’s poison pill turned a police full staffing plan into a ‘Cop Tax’ scheme — effectively extorting San Franciscans into having to support a future tax hike if they want more police,” said Supervisor Dorsey.

“But now that Prop B is on the ballot,it’s being sold as a public safety measure — when it’s no such thing. Prop B actually delayed progress on police staffing. Worse,it’s a legally dubious end-run around constitutional restrictions on dedicated ‘Special Tax’ funding,risking lawsuits that would delay police funding for years. Voters deserve the truth about Prop B,and they’re not getting it from the “B” campaign. So,I challenge Supervisor Safaí to debate me —to defend his ill-considered and deceptive measure. And I hope news organizations will invite us on the air to discuss what’s shaping up to be this election’s most contentious ballot question about the urgent public safety priorities facing San Francisco.”

Press Conference at San Francisco Police Officers Association featured SFPOA President Tracy McCray and Lily Ho,Who Ask San Franciscans To Reject Prop “B”

Today’s press conference at the San Francisco Police Officers Association featured SFPOA President Tracy McCray and Lily Ho,and community leader and board member for the public safety advocacy organization,Stop Crime SF. Both McCray and Ho appear in “No on B” campaign video ads,previewed today,which urge San Franciscans to reject Prop “B” as a bait-and-switch “Cop Tax” scheme.


Designed by its proponents to be complicated and confusing to voters,Proposition B is entitled,“Police Officer Staffing Levels Conditioned on Amending Existing or Future Tax Funding.” The S.F. Department of Elections voter handbook describes the question as follows:“Shall the City amend the Charter to set minimum police officer staffing levels,require the City to budget enough money to pay the number of police officers employed in the previous year,allow the Police Department to introduce amendments to its budget,and set aside funds to pay for police recruitment,all for at least five years,but all if and only if the voters later adopt a new tax or amend an existing tax to fund these requirements?” (Emphasis added)

SF Supervisor Matt Dorsey Challenges Sup. Ahsha Safaíto To Debate
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