
Day:January 22,2024

Port of Oakland Year-End 2023 Cargo Good News

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Port of Oakland full import and export container volumes rose in December 2023,showing signs that cargo volume at Oakland is returning.  Port full imports rose 16.4%,moving 76,347 TEUs (twenty-foot containers) in December 2023,compared to 65,566 TEUs in December 2022. This is the highest monthly total since July […]

Oakland’s Horn Barbecue Gets Attacked While Mayor Thao Does Nothing

Oakland (Special to ZennieReport.com) –Horn Barbecue was once recently the celebrated Michelin Star restaurant that was the pride of West Oakland and catapulted its founder Matt Horn into celebrity status nationwide. The commercials featuring him were seen from California to Connecticut. All of the time,Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao never once acknowledged or visited […]

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