Los Angeles (Special to ZennieReport.com)- The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in partnership with The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) is proud to announce a significant achievement for our Lead Free Homes LA program,coinciding with Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. This week,the County marks the completion of the 500th home remediation project,a milestone in safeguarding the health and well-being of families across Los Angeles.
Lead Free Homes LA Eliminates Lead-Paint Hazards From Homes
Since its inception in 2019,Lead Free Homes LA has been at the forefront of efforts to eliminate lead-paint hazards from homes,knowing that exposure to lead in homes can have a detrimental impact on health,particularly for young children and pregnant individuals.
Lead Poisoning Prevention Week serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting residents from dangers associated with exposure to lead.
Children can be exposed to lead by ingesting lead-contaminated dust,paint chips from deteriorating lead-based paint,and lead-contaminated soil. Other sources of lead poisoning include lead dust brought home on parents’work clothes,certain imported ceramic pottery,painted objects,traditional cosmetics and remedies from some cultures,and imported spices,candies,and other food products.
Lead Poisoning Can Damage A Child’s Nervous System
Additionally,activities that involve lead products such as soldering,making stained glass,and handling bullets or fishing line sinkers can put children at risk. Lead poisoning can damage a child’s brain and nervous system and adversely impact their intelligence quotient (IQ),ability to pay attention,and academic achievement. Pregnant individuals exposed to lead may experience high blood pressure,miscarriage or preterm labor,with its own risks of low birth weight and nervous system damage. The only way to know if one has been lead poisoned is by getting a blood lead test. It is recommended to ask a medical provider about a blood lead test if the child is 6 months to 6 years old.
The Lead Free Homes LA program identifies and mitigates lead-paint hazards across LA County,ensuring that homes are safe havens for residents. Teams of experts work to assess,remediate,and educate,striving to eliminate exposure to lead-paint hazards entirely.
“We are grateful to our many partners for working together to reduce environmental hazards that have a negative impact of individual and community health ,”said Barbara Ferrer,PhD,MPH,Med,Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. “The 500th completed home remediation project represents a meaningful milestone in our ongoing efforts to create safer,healthier environments for families in LA County.”
Emilio Salas,LACDA Executive Director said,“In light of the Board proclaiming this week Lead Poisoning Prevention Week,it is timely that LA County just reached a significant milestone by completing its 500th Lead Remediation project! We are honored to be part of this impactful environmental justice project and celebrate the milestone of making 500 homes safe from lead paint hazards.”
An LA County resident,who recently participated in this program and had his home remediated said,“Knowing that there are no lead-paint hazards in our home,gives me the peace of mind that my kids will grow up without any health or developmental issues related to lead [paint hazards].”
Remediating 500 homes was possible because of the dedicated team of partners,stakeholders,and residents who support this efforts to creating a lead-free future for Los Angeles County. For more information about Lead Free Homes LA and our lead poisoning prevention efforts,please visit LeadFreeHomesLA.com.
About Lead Free Homes LA Program
The Lead Free Homes LA program,managed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health,is dedicated to eliminating lead-paint hazards from homes throughout Los Angeles County. Through a combination of assessments,remediation,and education,the program aims to create safer,healthier environments for all residents.