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Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor And Anger And Threats To Sonoma County

Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor

Sonoma, CA (Special to ZennieReport.com) Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor are a couple who lives in Santa Rosa, California, and of late, have established a rather unfortunate and counter-productive reputation for themselves in politics (see this website link passed to me by a concerned citizen who did not wish to give their name, even to me: https://adinafloresfacts.com/), particularly with respect to Sonoma Supervisor James Gore. So much so that this Oakland blogger felt compelled to weigh in on their doings from the perspective that they should check themselves before they wreck themselves. Upon closer inspection, it seems they’re already on the way toward doing that, and so, in the opinion of this blogger, a course correction is drastically needed – in particular, with Shelby Pryor AKA Shelby Dodson.

Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor’s Homespun Activism Sad 21st Century Adaptation Of 1960s Activism

For reasons that may have to do with their own economic misfortunes as much as any concern for the plight of poor Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color, Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor have become the latest to adopt a sad 21st Century interpretation of 1960s activism. It says threaten, point, shout, and in general be unruly and disruptive, anti-vaccine and anti-tech – all with the wild idea that such actions actually bring about positive social change, but in reality negative and dangerous interactions. What you’re about to experience is a trip into a kind of never-never land that is by turns liberal, then conservative, and then just plain pugilistic.

It appears that Adina Flores has not held a good job for a long term. According to her bio in California Globe, Adina Flores “is a biracial civil rights activist, investigative journalist, advocate for natural wellness and former government employee based out of the SF Bay Area. By means of satire and hard data, Ms. Flores is inspired to bring transparency in politics to the people.”

Adina Flores Insecure Employment History A Factor

But the reality is that from 2013 to 2023, Adina Flores has bounced from one not-well-paying job to another (a habit that’s common for women below or just over 30 in America). That written, Adina is college-educated with an AA from Santa Rose Junior College and a BA from Golden Gate University.

Yet, even though Adina Flores’ Linkedin claims “Experienced Director of Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the hospitality industry”, her real experiences have no hotel listed; instead, she’s worked assitant jobs for a few months, with only a three-year stint as Chief of Staff at the luxurious The Fountaingrove Club, as any indication of employment stability.

Now, Adina’s 33 years old, a very good Freelance Contributor to the California Globe with no other job listed, except public figure. While Adina has at went from job to job every year and a half since 2013, the same can’t be said for her fiance Shelby Pryor, who also goes by Shelby Dodson.

Shelby Pryor Is A 14-Year Military Veteran Who Now Works For The Twerkulator Party Bus

A 14-year military veteran who attended American River College before serving our country, Shelby Pryor is 38-years-old, and for the last five years as held the role of account executive at The Twerkulator (a party bus company), and to quote a passage is “6-foot-5 and 240 pounds, and, as he put it, ‘super athletic and very healthy.’”

Shelby Pryor’s also prone to bouts of anger, and it would seem insistent on presenting a persona that at turns makes him look like a night-club bouncer, and then other times a frustrated man with something to say that he believes you’re not going to like, as he said on his Facebook page.

Shelby Pryor’s Background Contributes To Anger Issues

Shelby’s background and experiences seem to cause him to take actions that keep him from gainful employment beyond The Twerkulator. His cause, of late, as well as for his mate Adina Flores, is to be, of all things, anti-vaccers. The Press-Democrat reported: Shelby Dodson believes his vaccine hesitancy is unfairly being used against him. Dodson, who lives in Santa Rosa, was in line for a job with Eden Housing, an organization that develops or acquires homes for low-income qualifiers. His start date was Aug. 2. His compensation, he said, would include a complimentary two-bedroom apartment for him and his girlfriend. Then Eden Housing asked for proof of vaccination, a requirement Dodson could not meet. “I’m a person who believes I should live for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” he said, “which is literally what this country was built on. Or what it says it was built on.”

So, consider that Shelby Dodson AKA Shelby Pryor gave up a job with a paid-for two-bedroom apartment for him and Adina. At a time when many would give their right-eye-tooth for free housing, Shelby junked it only because he has an issue with the vaccine. Which means the well-being of Adina takes a back-seat to Shelby’s own personal beliefs.

That information leads us to consider a series of behaviors that have made Shelby persona non-grata in Sonoma County, and yes, all having to do with getting vaxxed, his legendary anger-managment issues, and words he uttered to Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore.

In April of 2022, Sonoma County won a long-term extension of a workplace restraining order on behalf of Supervisor James Gore. Superior Court Judge Patrick Broderick ruled that Shelby Pryor made a “credible threat” against the supervisor at an April 19 board meeting. The details of what was said aren’t as important as Gore’s reaction to them.

But the overall problem is that, as a number of people have observed and is clear from Shelby’s social media entries, he has anger issues.

The next question is has Shelby ever received a post-military psychiatric evaluation? Given the episodes where Shelby has said or did something he should not have, or completely blew a great job, it’s wrong for Adina to enable the worst in Shelby’s behavior. It’s also wrong for the California Globe to be seen as supporting his anti-social behavior. It’s giving him what, in his worst moments, he may see as an opening to be threatening to someone like Sonoma Supervisor Gore, yet again – and possibly with life-ending consequences.

“But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.”Colossians 3:8-17 ESV

Addendum: The Right Way To Address Disputes With Public Officials From LeAna Powell

In closure, the best way for people like Adina and Shelby to handle a dispute with a public official is to tell your story, and not make threats. That is what LeAna Powell did in bringing her tale of harassment and abuse by the Office of then-Councilmember now Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao to Zennie62Media. Here’s LeAna’s story, which triggered an Oakland Public Ethics Commission investigation that is still active over a year later:

Adina Flores And Shelby Pryor And Anger And Threats To Sonoma County
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Adina Flores
Adina Flores
1 year ago

Good Morning,

For starters, I haven’t lived in Santa Rosa, CA for nearly a year. I’d encourage your stalkers to do a better job. Let’s chat to correct the rest of your misinformation. It’s interesting that you didn’t reach out to my fiancé or myself at all before writing a completely inaccurate article. I’m happy to debate you live to speak to your inquiries.

Thank you & God bless.

Shelby Pryor
Shelby Pryor
1 year ago

Why don’t you interview me instead of try and fabricate your story? Hit me up on IG we can have a Live interview you talk all that shit so I can respond in live time.

L Alderman
L Alderman
1 year ago

Really? Stay in Oakland, as you have no idea what is going on in Sonoma County. Adina has exposed long term corruption in Sonoma County. Want one example of the corruption that was present in this county? https://www.kqed.org/news/11889861/ex-rohnert-park-cops-indicted-on-federal-extortion-conspiracy-charges-linked-to-marijuana-seizures

The Press Democrat newspaper has covered up corruption like this for years, and writes hit pieces against her and Shelby. Now you? People have stopped reading the Press Democrat because of such articles, that are spun to fit a narrative. I don’t believe in her anti-vax stance, but that is her right as a citizen to believe so. I don’t agree sometimes with her methods for change either, but she presents many facts to support her conclusions. But I would trust Adina to tell the truth so needed around here than many people in this county.

This is defamation on your part. I hope you have legal consequences for this.

Maria Azevedo
Maria Azevedo
1 year ago
Reply to  L Alderman


Eric F
Eric F
1 year ago

Too bad this “reporter” decided to engage in smear and fiction. What are you trying to achieve? Your information is very disturbing, as if you are just owned by somebody.

Maria Azevedo
Maria Azevedo
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric F

The so called writer must have taken lessons from Hillary Clinton and her lies.
Lucky she did not get a slander case filed against her being this was posted for all to see.
I support Adina and Shelby 100%

Maria Pozzi
Maria Pozzi
1 year ago

So you admit to getting info from someone who won’t identify themselves and didn’t reach out to Adina or Shelby? A simple google search would’ve shown you my name as a supporter of these 2 wonderful individuals. I have attended numerous events with them and bring my child if I know Shelby will be present. I know as a parent my child is safe if they are present. Because they are non violent protesters.
You call yourself a journalist? What a joke! You did zero research. If you had taken 1 minute, you’d see that Adina was the executive assistant to the Superintendent of Santa Rosa City Schools, the largest district in Sonoma County. Her pay was probably higher than yours?
Shelby is a black man that called out Ed Sheffield. If you look into that, you’d see that it was Ed that made slurs towards black men on his Twitter. Ed then denied it was his account til Adina pulled proof otherwise. Ed then had to apologize at a public meeting. But Ed then put a raccoon mask on and held up a sign saying “ask the raccoon”
You sir have dove straight into a dumpster fire of bull?. I’d tell you to stick to sports but it appears you fail at that too. Go have the day you deserve.
Now why don’t you go educate yourself on these 2 individuals.
Oh and take a moment to look at the article in Vallejo where the chocolate rainbow defends Mr. Prior. He helped with a pride event.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria Pozzi

Very poor reporting. The writer seems very uneducated. Any reputable journalist should really use spell check, and maybe read over her article before publishing. All I got out of this smear campaign is to thank Shelby fort his service.

Gina Bell
Gina Bell
1 year ago

Well, OK. The way I read what he blogged (as he put it) is some people sent him some information out of concern for the alleged cyberstalking that they say Ms. Flores and Mr. Pryor do. It looked like he could have been really harsh, but expressed concern, and added a Bible verse. Ms. Flores and Mr. Pryor should heed his words rather than act like what others say they are according to what he wrote.

After all, he says he’s a blogger, not a reporter, and what he wrote was his opinion, rather than a statement of fact. But he got them to show their true colors, which should make them look twice at themselves. Why not?

Also, they seem upset that he’s black. Just because he’s is doesn’t mean he’s supposed to support their alleged actions without question.

Adina Flores
Adina Flores
1 year ago
Reply to  Gina Bell

Are you incompetent? My fiancé is BLACK, and this imbecile labeled him as Latino. Please continue to educate my Black fiancé, immediate relative of the late Richard Pryor, on how to operate.

My true colors? You sound like one of the racist & woke white folks stemming from Sonoma County. Are you embezzling with these folks also?

Bye Felicia! ✌?

Gina Bell
Gina Bell
1 year ago

Ms. Flores, girl, what kind of game are you playing? I did a “find word” check here and the only time “Latino” was used was twice, BY YOU – and now three counting mine. Do you believe people won’t check? He WROTE NOTHING about your Shelby’s skin color, yet you come at him for mentioning skin color. You own him an apology. Why go out to make enemies? Why are you so mean?

Adina Flores
Adina Flores
1 year ago
Reply to  Gina Bell

GIRL, click on the ‘Facts About Adina’ url which he highlighted in his atrocity of an article to read what I am referencing. Do you not know how to read? Are you as illiterate as this gentleman?

Gina Bell
Gina Bell
1 year ago

Girl, you are really not a good gal. He wrote “(see this website link passed to me by a concerned citizen who did not wish to give their name, even to me: https://adinafloresfacts.com/), ” that is not his website. But you so have to make up lies about him, you reach for anything. Why not stop telling lies about him. And stop calling people names. You’re a grown, adult woman.

1 year ago

I find it hilarious to see the restraining order couple and their friends pretending they’re victims of misinformation, fabricated, fiction, defamation when the only thing that they pointed out was incorrect is that Adina no longer lives in Santa Rosa. But when Adina publicly spreads accusations and conspiracy theories about genocide, murder, embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, stealing from minorities, racism, etc. without interviewing, without proof, they pretend they’re so noble, doing god’s work. The irony and hypocrisy goes over their head. Looks like Adina hates the tiniest taste of her own medicine.

1 year ago

This blog article leaves out so much, such as Adina dedicating her life to getting revenge against anyone who she feels wronged her, which is apparently nearly everyone in Sonoma County. After Gore got the restraining order against Shelby for threatening a little boy, she’s become obsessed with him. She knows she got Shelby into that mess, so she is straight obsessed. She went after the judge who made the ruling too. After Adina was pushed out of her job at Santa Rosa City Schools for stalking county officials during work hours, she’s become obsessed with harassing the school board members as well. She’s filed 150 FPPC complaints with false accusations to harass these officials. When almost all of the complaints were rejected, she went after the FPPC commissioners and staff. After Shelby used a racist slur against a SRCS board member Sheffield, SR Councilman Rogers simply offered support to Sheffield, and Adina started attacking Rogers as well. That’s how vengeful she is. This is how she spends the bulk of her life.

1 year ago

Adina failed at keeping a job at SRCS because she couldn’t resist stalking officials over covid vaccinations while getting paid by taxpayers, and then later pretended was doing it on behalf of her parents all along. She falsely claims to be a protected whistleblower and filed a grievance against SRCS. She publicly demanded a settlement and when it wasn’t enough, she claimed she rejected their offer of hush money.

Adina created a FB page in effort to recall the entire SoCo Board of Supervisors and failed when she realized it would actually take work and support from the community rather than harassing online.

She created several online petitions to push her conspiracy theory efforts, which all failed because only her right wing extremist friends supported her.

She also created a GoFundMe campaign in effort to sue the County and it failed miserably because not one person believed in her conspiracy theories to offer one cent. She’s threatened lawsuits against companies that wouldn’t hire her, media companies that wouldn’t interview her, government agencies and nonprofits involved with vaccinations, etc., and she’s failed at all of those too.

She created a blog, which also didn’t gain any traction at all and failed miserably.

She’s failed at becoming a real journalist and instead fabricates news on a right wing blog against people she hates rather than reporting actual news.

Take a hint and go away. Sonoma County doesn’t need you or want you.

Gina Bell
Gina Bell
1 year ago

Hello, again. There are other people that alleged Adina has harassed them publicly, and still does. I am told this what is here is a partial list (remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but this is too long a list to ignore):

Alegria de la Cruz
Jake McKee
Ed Sheffield
Lisa Wittke-Shaffner
Elizabeth Gore
Chris Coursey
Lynda Hopkins
Susan Gorin
Herman G Hernandez
Herman J Hernandez
Jerry Threet
Stephanie Manieri
Krystine Lange
Chris Rogers
Erin Gore
Sheryl Bratton
Shirlee Zane
Christina Rivera
Andy Springer
Tina Rivera
Jim Murphy
Erik Roeser
Darius Anderson
Paul Gullixson
Jennifer Gray Thompson
Lawrence Amaturo
Sylvia Lemus
Jackson Boaz
Caroline Banuelos
Esther Lemus
Stephanie Rodriguez
Sundari Mase
Paul Wood
Blake Hooper
Jenny Chamberlain
Jim Wilkinson
Jill Ravitch
Erin Dobson
Josh Myers
Christina Cramer
Kristen Vela
Bill Foley
Otto Teller
Alma Bowen
Darnell Bowen
Patricia Gray
Jonathan Kadlec
Elena Whorton
Jeniffer Wertz
Todd Mendoza
Greg Jenkins
Omar Medina
Gerard Giudice
David Guhin
Veronica Fleming
Los Cien
Community Foundation
Corozona Healdsburg
Rebuild Northbay
North Bay Jobs With Justice
Sonoma County Equity Office
Sonoma County Democrats
Generation Housing
City of Healdsburg
Press Democrat
Paradise Ridge
Sonoma County DHS
Indivisible Petaluma
Hello Alice
North Bay Strategies
Rabbit Ridge Winery
Raizes Collective
Santa Rosa Police
Nuestra Communidad
Laluz Center
Sonoma County Farm Trains
Foggy River Farm
Russian River Alliance
North Coast Builders Exchange
Sally Tomatoes

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