
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Bad Survey: 57 Percent Unfavorable

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Bad Survey: 57 Percent Unfavorable

Oakland – (Special to Zennie62Media, Inc. and ZennieReport.com) This is Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s much talked about bad survey, where she gets an unfavorable rating from 57 Percent of Oaklanders surveyed.

A survey of 400 Oaklanders reveals that Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao has a 57 percent unfavorable rating. The news comes from the results of a survey conducted by Oakland businessman Greg McConnell Of The McConnell Group.

The basic news is this:

The survey of likely voters commissioned, by The McConnell Group, revealed that Public Safety dominates Oakland voter’s concerns.

83% of the respondents ranked Public Safety and Crime as their number one issue.

92% want their leaders to focus on reducing crime.

74% want to increase the police force from the current number of 723 officers to 1,000.

74% feel things in Oakland are going in the wrong direction.

74% believe the quality of life in Oakland has gotten worse.

74% of likely voters want to increase the police force from the current number of 723 officers to 1,000.

The majority of Oakland voters disapprove of the performance of their elected officials.

57% percent disapprove of the way the Mayor is handling her job. 29% approve.

66% disapprove of the way the City Council is handling its job. 17% approve.

Oakland voters want to see more jobs and job training.

69% think it is Critical/Very important to create blue collar jobs in industrial and logistic sectors.

60% say it is Critical/Very important to create jobs that do not require college degrees.

Only 37% feel that creating jobs in tech are Critical/Very important.

Oakland Voter Survey Results

1. Are you employed as a news reporter, an elected official, staff to an elected official, or as a high-level employee of local government?

No 100

2. Do you feel things in Oakland are generally going in the right direction or are things off on the wrong track?

Right direction 14

Wrong track 74

Don’t know 13

3. Would you say that the overall quality of life in Oakland has become better in the past few years, become worse, or stayed about the same?

Better 6

Worse 74

Stayed about the same 17

Don’t know 3

4. And what do you feel are the major issues facing Oakland today?

Crime/public safety 83
Homelessness / Panhandling 29

Affordable Housing / Cost of Rents 20

Cost of Living 13
Not Enough Police / Inadequate Police 8

Corruption Government 7

Transportation / Infrastructure 7

Poverty / Income Inequality 6

Education 5

Illegal Dumping / Trash in Streets 3

Other 1

Don’t know 2

Detailed Survey Document here:

230919 Oakland Voter Survey Results fin2.pdf by Zennie Abraham on Scribd

Oaklanders Are Just Plain Mad About The Crime Problem

Crime in Oakland is out of control, residents say. Here is a post from Nextdoor today:

To Oakland Police Captain Lisa Ausmus, Over the weekend, there appear to have been at least 8 armed robberies within 1 mile of my home (detailed below) – some of these were not even reported due to excessive hold times with 911 and the non-emergency line.

Even if no one was injured, many of these are VIOLENT CRIMES happening in broad daylight. Is there anything being done to more strategically deploy the limited resources that OPD has to deter this wave of crime? I – and my neighbors – are happy to volunteer whatever resources to help.

(1) 5900 Chabot at 3:58pm on Friday, September 22

(2) College Ave & Forest at 10:50pm on Friday, September 22

(3) 52nd and Telegraph at 11:15pm on Friday, September 22

(4) Shattuck and 51st at 12:34pm on Saturday, September 23

(5) 5800 Telegraph at 5:00pm on Saturday, September 23

(6) Gilbert and Mather at 5:15pm on Saturday, September 23

(7) Shattuck and 51st (again) at 5:20pm on Saturday, September 23

(8) 350 40th St at 10:40pm on Sunday, September 24

Someone else wrote this account: I emailed her – Captain Lisa Ausmus – three times in August and never got a response. I’ve asked and there is no way to call her either. Dan Kalb’s office could only confirm the email. I wanted to ask why the juveniles involved in a violent mugging a few months ago near Market Hall were never arrested and charged. The victim came up to me at the Temescal Farmers Market and told me she was able to identify the attackers, they were not wearing masks, and there were videos. She told all that to OPD. She never heard back from OPD.

Oakland Resident David Jackson shared this take: I am all for fighting crime. I’m sick and tired of these psychos on the streets doing the stuff that they’re doing. But I’m equally tired of the American public. Equally fatigued by some of my community members, regardless of the community I’ve lived in. And that is because the scale is always in balanced.

Certain communities get the attention when it comes to crime. For instance, when crack was decimating, black neighborhoods, victim, and drug dealer were considered animals. Today with fentanyl affecting white communities, these are sick people who need help. Furthermore, let’s not just be concerned with crime when it’s at our doorstep. How are use Trump as an example. Just hear me out or read me out. Millions of Americans knew about Trump and his propensity for disrespecting women. He himself admitted that he grabs women’s Jenna tell you. We all know that he’s a terrible businessman and file for bankruptcy multiple times. And if you didn’t know, before, electing him, you know, now that he spent a lot of time with Jeffrey Epstein. A known pedophile. Yet you vote him into office, those of you who did, and we all watched the shit show after that. The President of the United States incited, so-called white supremacists to commit mass shootings in this country.

Let’s look at everything from the top down. Not just the streets because the street crime is a symptom of a much larger problem, and a real cancer in this country. So many Americans benefit and profit from this cancer, which is why they are resistant to taking on the actual problem and instead focus on the symptoms. As long as you have a corrupt government and elect corrupt officials, as long as the only options, we have are corrupt officials, we will keep getting what we’ve always been getting, and it will only get worse.

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Bad Survey: 57 Percent Unfavorable
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