Zennie62Media, Inc.

Day: August 28, 2023

Amazon Defense’s Carmen Cartuche Thanks Alleged Anti-Semite Roger Waters For Helping Steven Donziger

From an entry in The Chevron Pit blog, by Carmen Cartuche, President, Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia (which translates to “Defense of the Amazon”) it looks like Roger Waters was rumored to have been on the monetary gravy train set up by now disgraced lawyer Steven Donziger as part of his elaborate and illegal […]

Fillmore Jazz Festival San Francisco Fight With Bouncer Remembered

Legendary and famous Zennie62 YouTube viral video from July 4th, 2009, Fillmore Jazz Festival San Francisco, remembered 14 years later. San Francisco – Saturday July 4th 2009 was a great day to be out-and-about in the San Francisco Bay Area. A tradition shared by many in the SF Bay Area is to attend the Fillmore […]

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