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Oakland Chamber Backs Mayor Thao’s Illegal Salary Increase

Oakland Chamber Backs Mayor Thao’s Illegal Salary Increase

The Oakland City Council just finished its 2022-2023 Season with one of those typically-long-because-its-the-end meetings that lasted until just after 1 AM, and that’s only because Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunado Bas had the good sense to start the meeting at 2 PM rather than 5 PM. 5 PM and the whole meeting lasts to 3 AM. That’s a long time and for those who’ve done it like members and staff of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce https://www.oaklandchamber.com, or this author, the experience totally leaves one not able to function the next day. Better to take that time off.

There was what Nikki Bas claimed a “record” 61 items on the July 18th 2023 Oakland City Council Agenda, but that has to be a 21st Century stat, because the Oakland City Council had meetings with more agenda items in the 90s. Here’s the full meeting on livestream video from Zennie62 YouTube:

For many, the reason for assembly was the controversial topic of the increase in salary requested by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. This was Zennie62Media’s take on the matter:

Where this video was used:

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao released a memo to the Oakland City Council that encouraged the body to set her salary increase at the lowest level possible. Well, that’s nice, but her action is illegal per the Oakland City Charter.

Sheng Thao Photo
Sheng Thao Photo

The Oakland City Charter is clear:

2.25.040 – Conflicts of interests and personal gain.


Financial Conflicts of Interests. A Public Servant shall not make, participate in making, or seek to influence a decision of the City in which the Public Servant has a financial interest within the meaning of the California Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 87100 et seq. and pursuant to City Charter Section 1200. All provisions of California Government Code Section 87100 – 87505 and City Charter Section 1200, as they relate to Public Servants, are incorporated by reference into this Act.

Sheng Thao’s Memo Clearly Falls Into Illegal Territory

Is anyone telling Sheng not to do these things? What is going on here?

Where is the Oakland City Attorney?

Stay tuned.

From Zennie62 YouTube video text.

But the Oakland Chamber of Commerce strangely did not see Mayor Thao’s request as an issue for mention in its newsletter. That, even though the Mayor did another legal no-no in writing a letter to City Council asking for the lowest increase. That’s not allowed under Oakland City Charter. Here’s the video on that:

Oakland Chamber of Commerce Ignores Mayor Thao Issue, Just Supports Increase

In it’s recently released newsletter, the Oakland Chamber of Commerce pretended like that matter of her illegal actions was even real. This is what it wrote:

Oakland City Council commences summer recess after packed legislative session
Here are the highlights 

In May, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao released her 2023-2025 Proposed Budget Plan. This year’s budget process was critical in balancing a $360 million deficit – the largest in Oaklands history – while prioritizing necessary city services. On June 26, Council passed the final version of the Fiscal Year 2023-2025 City Budget.
The budget prioritizes:
Public Safety: Preserve fire service, create 24/7 crisis response, add civilian investigators to OPD, add community ambassadors to business districts, and bolster grants for violence prevention

Affordable Housing: $216 million to rapidly create housing, $8.8 million for the Rapid Response Homeless Housing Acquisition Fund, $1 million per year for tenant legal services

Effective Government: Reorganization plan, informational memos to Council, creating a more robust pipeline into City jobs and focused outreach to populations who have historically been economically marginalized

Revenue Generation: New ballot measure to replace Measure Z, placing a regional affordable housing bond measure on the 2024 ballot, and developing private partnerships to resource the City’s key priorities.

The Chamber advocated for rapid deployment of grant funded walking officers as well as additional funds for community ambassadors – two essential efforts to increase support for Oakland’s major commercial corridors and employment center. Ultimately, these additions were included in the final budget.
Here are some of the Council’s other notable legislative actions during their Spring Session:
COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Update:

Just Cause Amendments Broadway and MLK Jr. Way Streetscape Projects

Updated fines and penalties against organizers and facilitators of sideshows

Clean Lake Contract Agreement Advertising Sign Relocation

Agreements with Becker Boards and OFI Activate Oakland Program to promote public safety and support small businesses in Oakland

Chamber provided testimony in support of this item Salary Ordinance Amendment for Mayor at the minimum annual increase of $13,202.49

Oakland General Plan, Planning Code and Zoning Map updates have begun and will continue on to Fall 2023

10-year Jack London BID reauthorization approval.

From Oakland Chamber of Commerce newsletter of August 1, 2023.

Oakland Chamber Of Commerce Willful Backing Of Mayor Thao’s Illegal Actions Is Shameful

There was once a City of Oakland where elected officials, appointed officials, and organizations like the Chamber of Commerce followed the Oakland City Charter to the letter – then called for change where the words made no sense. That’s not Oakland today. That Oakland of the past seemed to keep a check on what it’s then-majority African American officials did, then scream over any little hint of an illegal action or activity.

By contrast, in the 21st Century, Oakland’s had a black mayor for all of just four years – Ron Dellums. Under Jerry Brown, then after Dellums, Jean Quan, and then Libby Schaaf for 8 years, and now Sheng Thao, actions imply that if the Mayor of Oakland’s not black, they can get away with all kinds of illegal activity.

Oakland Chamber Backs Mayor Thao’s Illegal Salary Increase
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